AC: Project Breeder 1 - Prologue

_ _now humanity creates more aeromorphs, more destructible kind to keep other countries at bay in case they wish to start war such as the major countries china, russia and the united states with rising enemies such as north korea.

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Prison Break

Central empire of china. beijing maximum security prison. date: december 1st, 2036. time: 11:53 pm. subject: prison break (asap) rumail is chained in place.

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El lugar natural.

No sin antes ser reprendido por el tigre que le ordenó que se llevase su apestosa comida china de su apartamento. el lobo se marchó del hogar de leo, sin protestar.

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The wastes

They were developed not by the radiation but by human hands in the parody world that fallout was, america never made peace with russia and china and so each side was working on making the better weapon and america's ultimate result was the deathclaw, i did

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A tailof magic and mystery chapter six

I await final approval for the operation when china gets wind of it. i relay to them that if they attack, beijing will be next.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 147

Some of it was stolen from china, of course, using the secret base on the senkaku islands as means of inserting spies into china. it's why china has so many--" jeff made air quotes. _"--'fishing'_boats around the islands, now."

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Backstory: takayuki raven hugo was born on november 21st 1997 to athena hugo and raven hugo as the only child born in the hidden village of dragons built somewhere in the center of china.


The Green Room - Part 1: Bull in a China Shop

Kostan had been running for a while now. He was used to it though, he liked to run when he felt like this. It cleared his head. His girlfriend had left him a week ago, just 2 days before his birthday. 'Still, only a bitch would do that,' he'd reasoned....

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We Travel Blind

As karnath watched the boy gasped softly, hunched firmly against his paw and gave a quiet, strangled mewl before shooting several long, thick streams of cum, almost invisible against the white china of the urinal.

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day 13: back at work and sucks worse than ever

I'm hoesntly scared of them, i mean, i was scared before with them beinging able to bench their desks and behind them were enough plates for a china shop, which means they eat their weight in food if not more, but now they can hypnotize people, dear lord,

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._ since those felines originate from china, i was surprised to see one here. however, it's always fun to see a fellow member. after this detail, i observed him carefully. visibly, he was talking at length in with his group.

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Be immersed (story) (the attack)

The allies, america and most of europe have sided against russia and many middle eastern countries. some countries like china refuse to take a side, but they would definitely make the difference. a week ago the president agreed to commence a huge large scale

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