A bit of fun...
"it's a classical car, and fairly practical. at least if you go down a street you won't be pointed at." abigail tried to defend herself.
Rose League School Pt. 2: Changes and Chaos
After finishing her meal, megan gets an idea as she heqads to the classics corner room. two birds with one stone!
Fruit Snacks
A hand towel was wetted in the sink, humming along to the classical music streaming from the radio while he squeezed out excess water. when he turned back to the juicer, an eyebrow quirked in confusion.
A Lucky Lady
Kezhon remembered sitting in the quiet, dim italian restaurant, the most classic and admittedly boring place to pick for a first date. he couldn't stop his hand from quivering.
Junior Year: Wake Up
Gotta love the classics. i scarfed my breakfast quickly and took off, and grabbed my backpack. might as well get this over with. i stepped out the front door and hopped in my old sedan. not the best, but it does the job.
The runner and the meal
Then i went into my study room and put on my favorite cd the classical works. then i fell asleep. content with myself.
Next to Last
Just then, a flying fishhook flies overhead with the classic "dah-ah-ah-ah-ah" that familiar porous, absorbant, yellow laughter rings from the 'bove, as some fish hooks park halibuts flop around at their feet.
That Time Before Winter
I've always been a fan of nursery rhymes: their clean, classical formats; mesmerizing rhythms and lighthearted subject matters. pair that up with a profound love for the natural world, and the result is what i'll be posting here!
The Duet
Apparently, when i was really young, my parents had heard me listening to classic music, like mozart or something.
Questionable Content: Episode 18
Where he'd started with a sleek, slim runner's body, covered with classic smooth lines, his scales were bulging outwards with new muscles, giving him a plumper, thicker look.
The smile i get from the black fox makes me think that maybe he does like classical music after all. anyway my paws are free.
The New Year Incident(2014)
Alex laid on the thin mattress on the classic wall hung bunk. the scene reminded her of a old wild west movie, but the mattress reminded her of the bunks they had back in iraq.