Pokemon the Eternal Darkness chapter 7

#10 of the eternal darkness it's been almost a year since my last upload. yikes. i need to post more often. anyway i hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing.

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Pokemon the Eternal Darkness chapter 8

#11 of the eternal darkness i've been feeling much more exhausted than usual, both physically and mentally. at least i got this done, and i hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing.

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Eternal Blue 11: Divine Intervention

#11 of eternal blue quint woke up in his bed; unable to move. his crew had strapped him to the mattress and braced his neck with makeshift bandages and what felt like spare pieces of wood. tireal was across the hall from him; sleeping.

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Eternal Blue 10: Full Circle

#10 of eternal blue (a quick note from the author: pronunciation. the names in this chapter may be difficult for some to pronounce so i offer a short guide. hikage: hi-kah-gay. kogoe: koh-goh-ay. baki: bah-kee. that should do it, enjoy!)

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Eternal Blue 6: Mission Revealed

#6 of eternal blue tireal took another step; electricity crackling between his fingertips. quint's finger squeezed the trigger and his heart shattered as sparks ignited behind the only bullet he had left.

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Eternal Blue 4: Alone Again

#4 of eternal blue tireal awoke slowly; his arms limp and stinging from loss of circulation. he cursed to himself and rose to his feet; shaking his arms to get blood moving through them again. he looked around him after his arms stopped tingling.

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Eternal Blue 3: Immortal Memories

#3 of eternal blue quint cried out in agony at the blackness around him. all he felt was pain; an indescribable pain that seemed to penetrate every muscle and nerve in his body. why did he feel this way?

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Eternal Blue 1: The Easy Job

#1 of eternal blue eternal blue: the easy job the massive stone monolith loomed before them as the small ship sailed towards the island. a muscular hyena with a smug and determined look on his face was at the helm.

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An Eternal Rose:pt.3:Autumn Splendor

They lay there starring up at the dimming sky, on the cold cement where they had spent there earlier year. The dim orange light radiated through the golden trees setting them ablaze as the light shined through the leaves. Zack and Kory laid there,...


An Eternal Rose:pt.1:Broken Hearts

\*\*\*\*\*i wrote this story awhile back, it has very very angsty romance, haha. i think its not that great. but lets see what you think\*\*\* The rain fell upon the streets with light splashes, creating puddles on the sidewalk. A 16-year-old fox,...


Souls Eternal Flame Chapter 4

#4 of soul's eternal flame soul's eternal flame ch: 4 the first thing nikoli knew was pain. pain throughout his body, he slowly opened his eyes and his vision was too unfocused for him to see anything.

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Souls Eternal Flame CH. 3

#3 of soul's eternal flame soul's eternal flame ch 3 nik awoke before deni did, with the sun just beginning to peak over the horizon.

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