Seven Years Later Chapter 3
"hey guys", pipped diglett. "nice to finally meet the overexcited totodile and extremely shy charmander." introducing themselves to the sentry guard, diglett only nodded coolly.
The Outlander 2 19
Toodle-pip all!" sandokhan was flabbergasted at the speed george demolished his snack, "i've heard of a bottomless stomach before, but a bottomless beast?" the abbot shook his head wearily, "flop eared food-bin, just like his uncle!"
Breeding Heat
Master kenneth had groomed her sleek black pelt until it shone, trimmed her blunt nails and kissed each white paw, and stroked his thumbs across the rust-colored pips above her eyes.
Squad Goals - Ch03.1
Now give a holler once the knot's come out so pip can get you going before gregory does it again." the gator padded off towards the kobold foreman whistling a happy tune. now _that_ was how you broke a bitch.
Cosplaying for Keeps
A snowy white arctic fox, dressed in a vault 101 jumpsuit and with a beautifully hand-crafted metal pip-boy attached to her arm.
Finding Home
Lego chuckled as his gauntlet pipped up showing the same map with the data transcribing.
Izer's Life 4: Army Life 1 revised
And had sent his own secretary to do the auction to do it" "makes sense" izer finally pipped up "i am somewhat of a collectors item apparently.
Der letzte Tag
Das pumpen dieses wichtigen muskels in form von kurzen pips-signalen zu hören, hinterlässt irgendwie ein ungutes gefühl in meiner magengegend.
The Fallout 2
He almost laughed out loud when he realized that the noise was actually coming from his pip-boy. he lowered his gun with a weak chuckle as he lifted his arm up to see the screen.
Dead in Space
The weasel with the sergeant's pips and the technician's insignia nodded gravely. "narek will take bravo on an eva to the aft _port_ hatch; we'll drop you as we pass the ship. you will coordinate your insertion to be simultaneous with alpha's.
Into the Unknown-Chapter 2
Commander pips and waited for assignment. well that didn't last long for a wait, receiving a call from an admiral devon mitchell burkley that ordered him to report to her office asap for assignment.
Squad Goals - Ch08.1
"pip!" she called out for the kobold foreman who came running. he was the most senior of the supervisors on the farm, and probably should have been put in charge in the first place. "okay, yeah, i'm gonna... go fuck off for a while.