Halcyon University 3 - Mailman's Curiosity

Just then my pokedex starting going haywire. "female pokemon approaching." it said in a mechanical voice. "subject: froslass." "that's the name, i couldn't think of it for the life of me.

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Chapter 27: Bill and Chris's excellent adventures.

Chris frantically pressed the "no" button illuminated on the screen, giving a sigh of relief as the pokedex acknowledged his negative input.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Aerial Battle Winona

Rotom registered the new pokemon on my pokedex. "roserade has been registered to your pokedex. roserade the bouquet pokemon a grass and poison type. with the movements of a dancer, it strikes with whips that are densely lined with poison thorns."

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lavender Town and Celadon City Gym

"haunter has been registered to your pokedex. haunter the gas pokemon a ghost and poison type. if you get the feeling of being watched in darkness when nobody is around, haunter is there."

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Viridian Gym

"electrode has been registered to your pokedex. electrode the ball pokemon a electric type. it is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity."

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Tales of a Trainer: Red and White - Chapter 1

It ties into your pokedex and glasses. gives you gps access and allows you to talk with people without removing your pokedex. the apps allow you to track your pokemon you have tagged and speak commands to the glasses."

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Chapter 3: I recieve a surprise after my second batlle with Rorik.

I growled then noticed something was off in flame's eyes as i pointed my pokedex at him. my pokedex beeped and said "charmilion the fire lizard pokemon. the evolved form of charmander. charmilion is known for it's agressive nature."

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The Story of Daniel - Chapter 3

"your pokedex can perform a variety of functions, all which can be explained by its instruction manual, which is programmed inside. however, your pokedex also serves as your identification, and should always be taken with you.

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Chapter 5: The Journey Begins

Which was the same yuji did for himself once he had his pokedex. his amulet was from the ball he got caught with, rather embarrassing catching yourself because you picked the ball up wrong.

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New Journey Chapter 3: Decision

He took his pokedex off the nightstand and turned it on. from what he understood, pokedex's used to only be for cataloguing pokemon, but now, they did nearly anything.

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The boy put a loving hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes, holding his gaze even as he flipped out a pokedex, from where, rachel could "only guess" when she recognized the silver color.

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Excerpt from Chapter 6 part 4 of Asterion Academy

I stared at her with a slightly credulous expression then looked down at my scanner and said "scanner, pull up the pokedex function and show me all collected data on ninetails, charizard, and mightyena."

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