"Seasons" - Chapter 1
The stocky 16-year old black panther just wanted time to be alone and listen to his music, which was rendered near-impossible due to the various classmates socializing rather loudly on the bus.
This renders human social activity from being a beneficial survival factor into a mere leisure luxury.
Bereft can end
Came; i was not wanted, unloved i faced you but was afraid of rejection i loved you but i tried ridding connection mind began to submit, to bend, to surrender eyes were red, flowed in endless hopelessness people from school ignored me, didn't render
Homologous Recombination
But when dunthyon tapped into the computer, his data was replaced with the ones in the computer, so he was now rendered useless. his mind was in the computer though, so he could still call for kat to get her to plug his body back in, and swap the files.
What could you compare Kyruku to?
Most kyruku elect to have surgery performed that will render their 'main growth' tail null to prevent further appendages growing after a dozen.
My fail-safe set upon the younger child of the illegitimate king and queen of this world proved fruitless as the elements of harmony twice over rendered her harmless. they have stronger wills than expected.
Charlie Six
Ammunition, the enemy advanced and i hid the best i could, i bandaged my wounds with pieces of my own uniform and hoped for some fucking miracle that might save the day and the rest of us...but i lost hope as soon as the butt of a rifle bludgened me in the head, rendering
Part I. The Stench of Crows
It's when extreme fear or excitement causes the wings of an owl to lock, rendering them unable to fly. he was trying his best not go yeep and it was slowing him down considerably.
Wedding Preparations (Otherwise Untitled)
Out of the sight of the doe, and anyone who decided to wander in, the gryphon rapidly rendered herself down to undergarments to reckon the dress resting firmly upon the hanger.
Chimera - Chapter 9
Now that the sentence was rendered, the feline went to the exit, but fabian, barred his road. "wait, jack, what's going on?" he asked, worried. "wow fabian, are you kidding?! don't touch me!" "but where you going?"
Fur one and fur all! (Part 7)
Others messed up genetic material rendered them infertile, and they were given a measly one hundred thousand for compensation. some had other unexplainable complications. one got away.
CYOA: Nighthowler [9]
[2] if nighthowler can loop the cuff around a pipe, it'll render white claw almost helpless. some bold teasing should draw the feisty cat after her and towards a nearby drainage pipe! but it'll be tricky.