The Dawn of Destiny: Prologue

((This was my first attempt at an original story, before this it was all fan-fiction and the like and i actually regret writing it meh. This story tells of the origins of my fursona an Arctic Grey Fox called Dixon. It's written in the first person for...

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Winter Nights

"You don't fucking belong to this club faggot!" An angered wolf yelled at a 19 year old Siberian husky before punching him to the ground, "This is a club for STRAIGHT guys, unlike you" he yelled again, kicking the husky in the stomach making him puke...

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Little Red Wolf Original - 06

**Little Red Wolf - 06 - Hunger and Fear** **Scarlett rushed south through the woods as fast as her strength and skill allowed. Leaves dropped off of her skirt as the magic that held them together faded. She gave this knowledge only the briefest...

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Knights of Taliber

"This plan is just plain insane!!! why are we going to throw our lives away for some king who doesn't know what the hell he is doing!!! and to make matters worse why do we have to wait out here in this blazing heat waiting for a special package that...

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Life's Pains (Part 3)

Life's Pains Part 3 This new kiss didn't last even for a full second. More like a quarter of a second at most. I pulled back as soon as I felt her lips touch mine. I flattened my ears against my head and blushed hard enough to make my black fur turn...

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Trials: Chapter II

**II** Maybe I woke up because of the storm outside, which was still raging long into the night. However, maybe it was the dream I had... I have always had very vivid dreams, even 'day mares', as doctors call them. After looking at the clock, I...

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 "This is absurd!" growled Admiral Hartford. "I will not be threatened or insulted by this ridiculous notion!" Admiral Hartford, Captain Philips, and Commander Banks were in the captain's office, discussing the day's events in privacy. A...

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The Trouble Maker Returns 3

The trouble maker returns 3 A new day had risen. Agumon and Veemon had slept together again. They went to the computer to quickly find out that Agumon got a job as well. They looked at the computer screen then heard a knock on the door. They went to...

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Luca's Story Ch. 20

**Chapter XX--Accusations** _Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life_ _Can't get no love without sacrifice_ _If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well_ _A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell_ _This is the...

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Experiment Time

_Alright. I am sorry to inform you that this is NOT another submission of the Luca/Ronnie/Beccah saga. I am, quite honestly, burnt out for the moment. That does not mean I am stopping the series, it means I need a mental reboot. So here I am with...

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The lost pride..

_Is changing for the better or just another reason to be caged forever..._ _She asked that i take two steps forward and say a pledge, _ _I did as told and she wasn't sober she took her time to push me over the edge_ _ _ _I tried leaving, walking,...

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Brute Belonzyk vs. Ralf Solberg (Yoshi Boxing)

The excitement could be felt throughout the whole arena as the last of the warm-up fights were completed, leaving only the main event ahead now. Many people had come to see this, as they commonly did when the fan-favourite champion was to be seen. But...

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