
With smooth motions, the multitude of anti-air artillery and mini-gun turrets sprung to life, swivelling and locking targets. with unison born of being computer controlled, they fired as one.

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It had been raining for nearly a week now, but the german artillery had been relatively quiet, usually eschewing the front line trenches for the support trenches where the captains and other higher up officers gathered.

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0.5 - Memories of a Worse Time

The air was filled with the sounds of war, of artillery and whizzing bullets like rain, and of the cries of fallen soldiers and civilians alike.

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Ein Wolf in der Falz – Loosening His Bootstraps

In the distance, russian artillery shells blasted the outskirts of the capitol. "what if the russian panzers make another charge?" "i made a promise, oskar." it was the only thing konrad said.

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The enemies samurai swords were chopping through our first line of defense but a couple of lucky artillery strikes made sure the banzai charge was over.

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Creation of Furries Ch. 7

Now, artillery teams. i know we don't have real artillery, but we have stingers and javelins, so let's give 'em hell! knock them out of the sky! infantry, push with all you got! convoys, let's give them a clear path out of our city!"

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Ablaze Ch.5: Battle of Senchen (2)

Offshore naval artillery and aviation conduct close support and interdiction strikes on the corysians. in the air, numerous aircraft fight for the sky.

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Der Krieg gegen die Menschen

Unser erster auftrag bestand daraus feindliche artillerie stellungen auszuschalten. die soldaten an den kanonen wußten kaum wie ihnen geschah dann waren wir bereits über ihnen.

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A number of forces, both infantry and mechanized, managed to make their way behind these new stealthy enemies, effectively flanking them between the artillery and the tanks.

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World in Conflict

(salutes and heads off eager to start...) 6 hrs later after decontaminating the whole area, vladan hears helicopters coming and sees tanks come rolling over the hills, along with transports and some artillery....

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Other people are there for you: Srsly (Get 5 Beta Readers!)

You do know cordite was primarily used in artillery shells, right? gosh. maybe you should... _rely on yourself more_. other people are not there for your benefit. you are there for theirs.