Wrongful Death Reperations
Neylas was barely a hold of his mental faculties as he felt the elf snuggle up against his new form.
He heard the elf try to resist, but it was futile, more of his pre pumping out from within her.
A Dragon of Another Color (1/2)
The elf was only on the second day of his journey to a battlefield that was two weeks away.
Skyrim, Arga's Story: Chapter 4: Riverwood
The wood elf started stroking himself, and arga rolled his eyes at the clumsy motions that the elf gave himself. if he was actually doing it, he was pretty sure that the elf would already be hard, but then again, the elf was drunk.
The Ritual
The mood in the camp was relaxed, hopeful even as the orcs and elves reluctantly parted.
Elven Desire Part 1
"i can't believe you are doing it." the half elf replied.
Ranking Up
He went unnoticed all the same however, drunken high elves singing and dancing and having much too much fun to notice one lone wood elf in their midst.
Terms Of Treaty 2 : The Elf and the Wolf
The tiny elf offered and the wolf smirked at the petite creature curled up in his lap. "you will, won't you?" he chuckled and nuzzled the elf that readily turned her face to receive his affection.
The Secret of Ginshal - Part 1
"so the elves are back to researching this place, huh?
Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 02
The elf somehow felt like they were incurring debt just by looking at it.
Double Blind Monster
After another minute or so dorian finally found the elf, feeling something crawling up the back of his body.
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Seven
What were the elves up to? to her surprise, the camp seemed deserted. no, it wasn't deserted-- all the elves were gathered at the far side of camp, watching something.