Federal Bureau of Mystical Creatures

**federal bureau of mystical creatures** chapter 2: 'meeting the family' by: chris gilman the short balding man sits behind a large oak desk as he studies the tall young man with wild hair wearing black fatigue pants and a black shirt before him.

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Federal Bureau of Mystical Creatures

"i'm a member of the federal bureau of mystical creatures. and as far as the normal world is considered none of us exist. we are nothing but fairytales and old legends.

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 2

#2 of the mystic sands edwin fowler comes privy to some rather unpleasant surprises. "a pendant in the shape of intestines?" robert elevated an eyebrow.

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 1

#1 of the mystic sands edwin fowler spends more than expected at the antiquities auction, but what he finds is far more dear than he could possibly have imagined.

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 3

#3 of the mystic sands edwin fowler receives a peculiar invitation -- one which he cannot bring himself to refuse. mystified, edwin padded over for a closer look. the gilded surface that surrounded one of the keyholes bore several deep gashes.

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A Day at the Mystic Shoals (Short)

No, what was causing the wolf to lag behind was the distracting sights and sound that "the mystic shoals" had on display.

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Mystic Springs Finale 2

_once the other mystic springs open, and gazelle has her festival, we will have customers that would never think to come before.

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Mystic Springs Finale 1

It was not the same as the potent experiences that happened on the mystic springs oasis, but it was enough to plant the addiction in his mind.

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Mystic Springs Finale 3

"in just under a month, there's going to be eight new mystic springs all across zootopia. tundratown, the rain forest district, everywhere that you can shake a stick at.

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MoN - Ch. 12: Broken Pieces

She knew they'd have to if they wanted to get to the mystic.

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Order of Pengu #1

"how is that suppose to represent a secret cult of mystical penguin culture?" "we're a cult of mystical penguin culture?" "that's what i'm going with for right now. it's the only way we can get a legit tax write-off."

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Sierra Nevada

This mountain range of snow was truly a mystical place and the coyote would be the one to know it. this special place, which the ruddy-skinned former inhabitants who the coyote once knew was once held sacred.

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