Same Old Routine
Another sniper shot, another dead man. i started to fire my plasma carbine, gunning down 3 men that were running for cover.
Hell Jumpers, part two
They passed by the squad sniper (who had had died upon impact of the ground), and though andrew felt somewhat awkward about it, he picked up the sniper rifle, cutting off the mans belt and taking all his ammo. "sir we don't have time, come on!"
The Endless Lives, Part One: AvP, Chapter One
Lone clenched his eyes shut, dropping his sniper rifle, gulping before screaming a single word, "fuuuuuuck!"
Chapter 18 - End of the line! The Duel between Men! (Part 2)
I expected machine guns, not..snipers of that caliber...those were .900, something that's very expensive to make and not easy to obtain.", commented ruru, holding one of the sniper rifles that fell from the cieling.
A Lion's Last Raid
"i see five snipers and the howitzer that hit us on the road." "do you think that's all of them?" one of the lion snipers asked. "i doubt it, but they already have their sights set on this hotel.
Here Be Monsters
"yes, i can confirm that one of our personnel was killed by a sniper bullet," rabbit ears states, "after said sniper failed to do more than destroy kody's blue tooth. but his head is harder than the plastic they make those things out of."
Survival of the fitest
sniper elimination mission was a success. my team and i eliminated several snipers along the main transport route." the lion sat up in his chair as he watched the dingo salute him.â "at ease tyson. you have done well today son.
YotR - January- K.I.Angel
This one follows major angel kenderson, aka engel-8, a special forces sniper. while on an assassination mission, she has a run-in with a rival sniper, rex kardia, the king of hearts. very loosely inspired by enemy at the gates.
Dust, Blood, and Fur Part 2
"hey, jenny," steve whispered to the sniper. "did you hear about forbes' latest fuck-up?" she chuckled and lifted an ear enough to listen. "no, what?" "heard he lost about fifty soldiers in an explosion.
Not So Simple ~Part 5
A sniper's paradise. i managed to climb onto the upper roof of a two story house, hugging the shadows tightly. i waited until my breathing had slowed before looking through the rifle's scope.
Not So Simple ~Part 3
I gave up on trying to ignore it, nothing good ever came out of having a twitchy and distracted sniper, and pulled out a drawing pad and pencil.
chapter 27
Eshdar followed him as another gunshot was heard and the same tree the red hellhound was taking cover from was pierced by the bullet, meaning that the sniper was close