A double shot of "Something New"
A Double-Shot of "Something New" A commission for Harkonian By Isiat Carcer "Oh, come on! It'll be fun! I promise!" The excited blonde collie's tail beat a mile a second, wagging like a fan on full force more than the excited canine it was...
A Certain Kind of Swing
I've written a lot of cheating and cucking in my day, but an earnest honest-to-god wife/partner swap? not really! now i have, and who better to do it with than the friendly couples of monica and mitsy!
Jumping Hurdles
Jumping Hurdles Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Pstrmchl Silence reigned supreme through the school halls, in the covered area and even the parking lot. Summer had arrived, the students had gone and there was nothing but the sounds of...
Extension of You
In front of a painterly backdrop of alfalfa fields and telephone lines, the harvest mouse glanced over his golden-furred shoulder. Off to the west, where all harbingers came from, the pristine evening was coming to an end: a wall cloud, dark and...
Mew's Return
"it'll just tell you that mew swapped us, which we already know, so you might as well enjoy it while we can." "you don't quite understand. it shouldn't be possible for even her to do this.
A New Pair
Ipzum was currently edging himself, and doing quite a good job at it. He had managed to edge for about two hours by now, having had many close calls where he thought he was going to cum. As he got up to go and grab a towel, he felt a sharp jolt of...
Ellie hoped they were back in the world with lab-grown meat, but if they never swapped species back, that would be just fine.
White Elephant Part IV
"Urgh..." Nathan groaned in the dim morning light as he reached ineffectually for his phone, pinned in place as he was by his irrepressible weight. It took him almost ten minutes to summon the energy to roll over, listening to the bleating of the...
Sharing Fetishes, Sharing Porn
Sharing Fetishes, Sharing Porn for FriskeCrisps by draconicon Collapsing after blocking the latest in a series of fireballs, Crisp shook his head as he stared up at the ceiling. "You know...I could really...really use...a break." "I...
Out with A Splash
**Download:** [ibooks](https://wolfin.me/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/ibook-Out-With-A-Splash.ibooks) (Mac, iOS), [mobi](https://wolfin.me/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Out-With-A-Splash-Jeffery-Core.mobi) (Kindle),...
The Club (Part Seven)
I basically swap bodies every 30-40 years because the average lifespan of most people i move in to is noticeably short. you'll become a dildo over time. i think.
It Helps to Be Cute
She stepped towards him, running her fingers down his rough, dusty tunic before she gently cupped his cheek, "and swap trap!