Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 14
zack's paws curled into fists. "don't you say a word against my parents!"
Shifting Consequences--Chapter 26: Healthy Urges
At least zack is feeling better.
My Kitty Chapter 6
It was a long ride home with zack squeezing onto us so tight. we finally got home and he loosened up a bit. "come on, zack, take them inside." zack got up and brought us inside. maxx opened the door and zack pinned us against a wall.
Hard Day At The Office
God, zack!" zack didn't even dignify him with words, however.
Letting it Out
"zack! zack i'm gonna...gonna..." "let it out, blitz!" "i-i-i'm cumming!" blitz shouted, howling as his shaft throbbed erratically, and the first spurt of white spunk hit zack's tongue.
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 14
Avoiding zack had been difficult, especially since zack had tried (more than once) to get his attention.
Young Love Murdered - Chapter 3: Precious Secrets
zack asked, holding out a hand to alphonse. "well," he said, shaking zack's hand, "if you put it that way."
Brotherly Love
"y-yeah" zack says nervously. cole looks at zack's cock and he starts to get hard, himself. zack looks at cole's pants and smiles. he grabs cole's pants and pulls them down.
A Deeper Friendship 1: The Fight
zack just stood his ground, his hands clenched at his side. kara waltzed up to him and without any hesitation punched zack in the gut. he fell to the ground. "get up!" kara yelled. zack complied.
wuffie tails ch.2 club time
zack immeditly began to bob his muzzle along the barbed shaft. the tiger's fingers twisted in zacks head fur as his wet muzzle took the large shaft. zack let out stiffled moans around the cock as he was split open from behind.
Chapter Two - Little Black Disk
Derrick gave zack a disbelieving look and nearly tore open the bag. sure enough, there were three quarter-pounders with cheese. the black dragon looked up at zack again, who was already starting on his own bag. "zack, why are you doing this?
Pacific Beasts - Ch 2 - Perserverance
zack let out a sigh of relief and reached out to grab it, but his forearm quickly bent towards him. against his will, zack found his biceps contracting and stiffening.