A Forlorn Love Part 7

Jason is my foster father and he is also the one who trained me and my brothers in hand to hand combat." "you have my word, jessy. if something happens, and i hope it doesn't, i'll give these people a call." "thank you, sir! that means a lot to me.

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Spirit of \'67

She tapped her foot thoughtfully, glancing down demurely, shifting the pen mic from hand to hand. she seemed to be scrutinising the black leather stiletto heels she wore, the pale blue stockings that rode her legs up beneath her dress.

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Beefy's Story: Part 5

There was a rack with wooden and plastic training rifles and handguns for practicing, charts of the breakdown of different weapons, a floor mat for hand to hand moves, and a hanging body sized punching bag.

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The Dragons of the Mountain, Chapter 2: The Clash

He was certainly not very strong, but he had agility on his side: a hand-to-hand combat with a fieryclaw could put him at a disadvantage, but he could confuse the opponents making the job for his allies easier.

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Kindred Spirits, A Lesson Learned

The head hand to hand combat instructor stated, standing at ease. both director archer and dr. klein were seated in the briefing room, listening to his report.

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Phillip ended up was given the order to have hand to hand combat.

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Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.1 Interviews Before the Test

Next to them was instructor zell dincht, he taught hand to hand combat as well as p.e. and was the commander of the winhill garden. he was their favorite instructor, because he was like one of them. and who could forget his lovely wife mrs.

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The Big Sister Part Fourteen: Sister Vs Sister

"i don't stand a chance against scylla in hand to hand. i'm at a complete disadvantage to her in melee combat.

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[REWRITE] The Boogies Parts 1-5

However, you're certain you have no chance in a hand-to-hand fight as things are, especially against an unknown enemy. you could follow the instructions of your friendly note, or hide and hope it's not that smart.

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Eternal walt: Chapter 2

Resting on her hands were dark blue heavy flight gauntlets (covered in tech as well), used primarily to increase the power of full frontal hand-to-hand assault. now back to the tale at hand.

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Silly as it may seem at first sight, these people have been taught and are teaching archery to the students, close-combat knife fighting (for those that lack the need of claws) and of course hand-to-hand combat skills.

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In The Army

"this is hand to hand compat training, you will learn how to humanly immobilize your opponet with ease!" shouted nadia. "vincent woolfe has volunteered to show how to do this!" "huh?" vince blurted out as he was shoved onto the mat with nadia.

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