The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 3
Funded by the mysterious and benevolent individual known only as "polly", the organizers of the assembly have spent the last five years providing aid where they can with what resources are made available.
Starborne - Trial by Fire: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
All other physicalconnections - the fuel and plasma conducts, control and sensor lines - are notcontributing to the static equilibrium that hold the reactor assembly in place.
The Mascot Factory
They lead you through twisting hallways and into something that looks like an assembly line. it reminds you of that time you worked with assembling cars, except instead of metal parts, all the parts are various mascot suit components.
Mizalin-on-Sky: Away on an Airship
All the assembled crowd was standing in a clearly demarked area of the airship hangar, near the outer edge and close to the wall, and the reason for this now became obvious.
Tales of the Insatiable Curiosity: Cast Off
While the colonies of assembly nanites within a constructor device that small were neither sufficient nor even designed to create an out-of-control self-replicating mass of gray goo, maintaining the magnetic fields keeping the assembly process stable required
Talking Gerbils
"ladies and gentlemen," the host exclaimed, "the general assembly has been invaded by rodents! rats, mice, squirrels, small pets of every description are running around, biting human delegates!
Part 2 - The Best Offense is Defense or vice versa
Hiero said as him and his sisters sat through the morning assembly. "we know hiero but we have to attend them since they are doing this during the morning classes." jasmine replied.
The Begining
The general's eyes briefly scanned the assembly before stopping on the greastest soldier that he had ever seen. one corporal alexander thomas o'brien, age twenty.
Dark Lord Substitute 22
The hyena nodded, falling in step behind him, tapping his head and muttering a message to assemble the rest of the command structure.
The Party
The silhouette alone told the assembled group that this giant was a bound female t. rex. she emerged into the light and let her calm gaze wander over the assembled group.
Cursed Hearts Chapter 2: The golden Celebi Cavern
It turns out that today was happening an assembly in which all the pokemon rangers in the region had to be present and team dusk were running late. "quick!!"
Zootopia: The Wilde Bunch - Part 4 - The Task Force
"i've had the uniform guys assemble all the witness statements, and i think our theory about this guy targeting prey is probably true." "what makes you say that?" asked nick.