Status: Ecstatic

And now, in the middle, dissolving. oh god i was going to be dissolved and fed into a battery or something wasn't i? this is how it ends - mush in a tube because someone didn't carry the 1 when programming our ai to not be evil.

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Unexpected Sale

He squealed when it hit his cock, the only part of him she hadn't unbound, and smelled the rank scent of his fur starting to dissolve.

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Abbadon's Night In

Or waiting for days as his body slowly dissolved around him, the exquisite agony of digestion.

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Guro Challenge #30: Monstrous

He clutches at his tail for comfort and it dissolves between his claws, his fur is showering the ground, leaving tattered tufts on his head and jaw.

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Fruit Salad, yummy yummy

The nippin managed to ride with the waves as it pushed and pulled them, but it was still difficult for either of them to keep their heads above the stomach stew that they were dissolving into.

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Worms From Spaaaaaace!

"you saw how our armor dissolved..." my children hunger you see the truth drexal nodded..."the miners...they were stealing these creature's food. this is an inhabited planet, and it changes everything..."

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 28

Love heart's sword dissolved and he stumbled, panting as he tried to stay upright. _duel of the leaders_ _ _ _winner:_ _ _ **_love heart bear_** "love heart!"

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Summer Reprieve

My monolith of mercy on a beach beside bay drenched in glittering rays of amber sun which dissolve any dismay. the placid sounds of cordial birds drift in salt filled breeze and reflect across the ocean's face and dance among the leaves.

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'with that...our o n e,' they said as their black forms turned ashen and they too dissolved. the last conscious thought synthia had was of more. of wanting the pleasure to continue more.

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Meeting of the Minds

My consciousness subsumed into his, a sensation that couldn't possibly have felt like the pain of being dissolved alive in acid, because kerb wouldn't do that to me. that memory must have come from somewhere else.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 1:Go Forth and Multiply!

The bodies of the monsters were already dissolving into the same ruby mist from which they spawned. the gory scenery made me sick, turning my stomach inside out.

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Candied Kris

Everything would go silent for her as she sunk beneath the surface of the pink liquid, her body burning as her clothes dissolved. somehow she had survived though, even with the burning pain across her fur.

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