Hunted Hunter Short Story
He smiled bemusedly as he gazed at her heart in his purpled hand; he had unknowingly given her his heart a long time ago.
Reptilian Knights: Chapter Four
"that throne will be mine" he said as he stomped on my foot, causing me to drop my guard and pushed me into the wall before stabbing me with one of the sword in my chest, thankfully on the opposite side to my heart as a i felt a searing pain in my
Roger's Purple Poem to the Fur He Can't Have
Author's Note: Thanks to all my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys rock! This poem is inspired by the music of Prince, specifically the Purple Rain album. R.I.P. Prince. We miss you. This poem is told from the perspective of a new character...
Dear Heartbreaker
Roses became death upon a heart. dear heartbreaker. it's becoming too late. tick. tock. tick.. time, time has frozen in its place. waiting.. waiting for silence to capture me again. dear silence.
Aqua x Werewolf
The familiar symbol of the crossed heart was splayed across its shoulder. the heartless--which she would later dub a werewolf--took the spell and stumbled, rolling over the ground with a low roar.
Aqua x Gargoyles
I'll destroy those which try to steal hearts and reward the better specimens with sex and progeny.
dragonheart a heart for a heart
Of his heart, and placed it on geoffs chest. the glowing red object sank into geoffs chest and after a few seconds geoff groaned and moved a little and he said "my heart hurts."
Heart to Heart in Moonlight
#2 of clicker training twin wolves lily and rose find themselves having gotten much closer than any pair of sisters should be, and in desperate need of a heart to heart to sort out their tumult of emotions. part two of clicker training.
Like i said, i've got all the elements, and i can write this thing and sell it, no problem, but that damn heart is still bothering me.
_oh some of the others and i are going to the bleeding heart to have a couple of drinks. i've seen you leave by yourself several times on friday's. i thought you might like to join us?_ she asked.
Endless Tides 2: Equivalent Evelonox
You can not hope to restore kingdom hearts by yourself. you brother is also chosen by the keyblade as well. are you ready to receive your destiny?" ivy nods slightly and the crystals on evelonox start to glow purple.
My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever: Chapter 21: A New World
My Greatest Adventure Ever: Chapter 21: A New World Having the front door of the mysterious house opened, I rushed outside. I stopped to take a look around to see where I was. I was in the middle of a small village. Houses of varying sizes built...