An Evertech Tale Chapter 26
Knowing none of the three were ever going to be the same, splicer and jack had to mourn double, knowing blaine would never be able to mourn the realization himself so the two furs took it upon themselves to mourn for him.
Pride: Meeting in the Music
: she sent the thought with barely a brush of her mind as the mournful song continued.
Four Companions
**the loon** an unknown swimmer, bird of the deep summer lake, mournful haunting call. **the hawk** a patient hunter, spread wings soaring high above, deadly piercing call.
Love and Altruism.txt
Destruction of the self leads right to love but without the self one ceases to strive for dreams, releasing the white mourning dove.
Mistress of the Mountains
"queen bolormaa is in mourning, all she asks is for you to live here in luxury for a year. you look so much like your father, you" he trailed off at her bared fangs.
Seven Days- Part I
He knew full well that once the funerary period was ended, the seven days of mourning would officially begin.
Drake's Story: Rewritten
3rd chapter in drake's story sira and esran mourned the loss of their beloved son, the cremation of his skinned and desecrated body was even harder for them to believe.
Living Headless: Mary's Verdict
She was dressed in all black with her teary cheeks and red eyes mourning for the crowd, yet another show of drama for the public.
The History of Talon Lightbringer
I fought as great wars raged around me... ...truly, i mourn for my world. my heart is heavy with the simple truth...that war is a way of life for all. so here stands before you, a dragon who has seen life and death.
Friends Got Talent! part 3
Ren could only sigh at his ignorance as he proceeded to take his shirt off, his pale green scales giving a bit of a shimmer from the mourning sun light, showing his thin build, that didn't go unnoticed.
Furr: The Inner Shadow Chapter 1
The funerals of both children were held as the king mourned over his daughter and over the fox boy that stood up to the beast.
The Oppressor
The oppressor scorns, and he never mourns. he throws others in the flame, never knowing that he is the one to blame. flesh and blood, it does not matter. 'tis just another thing given to batter.