Red Goes Swimming

With that christina grabbed my wrist and hauled me to the pool. she and her freind then gracefully dived into the pool, giving me a chance to look at there firm bubble buts. seconds past then both came up for air in the middle of the pool.

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Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Nineteen

"kab," he nodded lava looked around the empty pool room. they were alone, but it wasn't very private since the door was open for anyone who wanted a dip. "o-ok, but tr-try to stay quiet" "kab!"

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Wrong Bride, Right Groom - Body Language

Having gotten them to the pool's shore, he released his grip on the furry arm so that he could sit down and start undoing the laces on his shoes. moving from left to right, his shoes were placed in a pile on the back, soon joined by his socks.

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Beads (Your Lancer Interlude 1)

However, as i approach the sacred pool, i find another youth gripping my heart as well. that golden-furred soldier, the goblet-bearing jackal. the avatar of my lust.

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The bet.

The two headed out the doorway leading to the pool. what they bet on was simple - whoever could perform three laps of the pool the fastest would win the bet. they were fairly evenly matched when it came to swimming.

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Chapter One: The Pool Hall Hustle

==chapter one== the pool hall hustle ================= it was saturday morning, and the sun woke jacob out of another night's erased memories.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt4

The patio was functioning as a lite dance floor, so kyle, ryan, and terry (who had magically appeared out of nowhere next to them) made their way to some of the lounge chairs by the pool.

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A Late Night Swim Part 1 - The Fantasy

He pinned me against the pool wall and started to thrust faster. water sloshed around us and lept out of the pool each time he thrusted into me.

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The Strange Pokemon in the Wilds Ch. 4

The sun was shining down particularly hot this morning. Through the heat waves you could hear the sounds of various Pokémon busy at their daily or perhaps not so daily grind, doing each of their jobs accordingly. And through the mist of all of it were...

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To the Winner Go the Spoils

Your body is fit, your tail is adorable, and i swear i almost audibly swooned when your tongue stuck out during pool."

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One Place,Three Friends,One Orgy .:Part2

The sensation from the wet tail against his member causing the fox to whimper softly, the dragon then lifted the vixen off his member to place her on the edge of the pool, her tail moved away from the foxes length to cause a small whine as the sensation

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brimstone X distort

"we are going to have ssssome more fun~" she hissed between her teeth as she dragged his body to the public pool. a warm summer breeze was blowing over the open pool.

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