The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 10

'cynder woke up, but she wasn't in her bed with spyro, she was back in warfang, the dark armies were still sieging. cynder looked over to see spyro, growling at her. "spyro what..."

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The face of the enemy (sci-fi)

It was clear now that the monstrous commonwealth ship had been designed and built as a siege weapon - one that out-ranged the missile forts and had enough power to pierce the mighty planetary shields.

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Margias Untergang teil 1

„wir haben zwar einen großen sieg errungen, aber was ist, wenn tarador ...nein, an das will ich nicht einmal denken!" da blinkte am rande seines blickfelds ein licht.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 10

They had just barely repelled the enemy from taking over the walls by destroying all ladders, and siege towers. the gates had been opened temporarily; but it had taken a lot to close them again.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 24 - The Monster

#24 of sieg and marien - a basitin love story sieg and marien, two basitins in love. fanfiction written for a sketch by tom fischbach part 24 teela groaned as two hearth warriors knelt over her.

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The Arena, chapter 3: Abused others

Staying here with just you and broken is getting really boring," sieg said teasingly. the leopox looked over his shoulder with a teasing smile of his own. "well, if you weren't here making it so boring..."

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 25: The Coalition Mobilizes

"yes, i'd be most interested in hearing the reasoning for using siege weapons in a defensive position." yalthros said, his smirk barely contained on his thin lips.

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A Patient Death 13: Tied Down

What did he know of war and sieges? the feeling was quickly replaced with warmth however, as the wolf broke into a grin. "those are the revenge ages!" he said, and miverwak nodded slowly. _of course, of course.

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Course Correction (Otherwise Untitled)

It was clear that the badger knew the implications of their current destination already falling under siege, commenting quietly to herself, "...won't be there by the time we arrive."

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Lucario kills Hitler.

The shocked look on the officer's face at hitler's dead body then looked back to lucario, and then, the nazis put their guns back to their pockets, and nazi saluted to lucario, while saying, ''sieg heil!''

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Prologue: A Recap to what has happened so Far

The order was under siege, the old dragon city was destroyed, and for the first time ever, the anti-dragons reformed themselves in unison, becoming what was known as the dragonsbane.

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