The Dream
But at the center of the maelstrom, we both forever had the solitude that was each other. through the turmoil, our love for each other grew. we were two souls parted and found, and nothing was going to tear us apart.
All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)
In the "tomb of the great cats" there was only a strange surreal solitude.
Train Exchange (Otherwise Untitled)
~ in the solitude she soon found in the hallway during the dinnering hour, clip's door pick allowed her to slip into the cabin. the briefcase had landed on the bed, as to be expected, and had a simple lock of five numbers.
An Unexpected Evolution
_"the boy's prolly had a bad experience with people at some point his, who knows if he just wants to be in solitude."_ and that's when it triggered life... my bad experience...
Mitriaria (chapter 26)
After what she had lived when she was a teenager, solitude was no longer desired. caves were not her favourite sites to hide. 'anyhow, i've brought some food,' he showed her the purple fruits and the dead bird. 'you're sodden.'
A Night with Donner
A forest where they were guaranteed solitude, and where the night they had spent together was only just beginning. tommy gasped happily as donner kissed him again, and as his mind caught back up to the present day, he knew where he was.
Gold Fever chapter 9
And your time of solitude has come to an end, hasn't it? you are out here in the realm of the elemental spirits also known as the great out doors! and they have shown you your true calling, haven't they?"
The Cry of Sodom: Book II, Scroll IX
Esther valued her solitude and it was uneventful for her to visit the latrines so late when a private one was not available.
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter I
But richard preferred the silence, besides his game, and solitude of his room. " richard, honey! why don't you go outside, or something? it's so beautiful outside! ", called his mother from down the stairs. " mooooom!
Ode to a Goldfish
The solitude we do desire at times, the companionship i had longed for. no shoe ever fits perfectly, but so few are so soft, yet abrasive. the attitude we do aspire for, the relationship i had sought more than years four.
Quoth the raven
All-star jumped as the voice and a fluttering of wings pierced his solitude. "sorry didn't mean to startle you." all-star turned to the voice and found a young female raven had landed on the ground about a foot from him. "my name's lenore."
all for one -chapter 8
In fact, sall was confident that they would take off their eye covers and find themselves in the bat cave or the fortress of solitude. they had driven around for quite a while until reaching the lair.