The Vacation Chronicles; As He Sleeps
**_(if you haven't read [the prologue]( "the vacation chronicles prologue; after hours") or [the first chapter]( "the vacation chronicles; road trip"), please do so!)
Summer Vacation, Springtime Surprises
Summer was here and it was time for a vacation. she'd return in autumn for another semester and return again come winter.
Vacation with an Athlete CH.2
#3 of vacation with a athlete ch.2 lust "are you okay?" george heard the soft voice, he looked up into the brown eyes of the stallion as he felt the horse's cock throb.
Family Vacation pt.4
#4 of family vacation mike woke earlier than the rest the next morning to the enjoyment of his first hangover.
Graduation Vacation: Chapter 3
I'm not allowed to relax and enjoy my vacation? i'm having a great time here." "i'm just sayin'." the fox took a bite of food. "it's pretty funny that all it took was to show up here and get some sleep and bam!"
Graduation Vacation: Chapter 2
It was the first full day he and his friends were spending on vacation, and everything was amazing. he was the first awake in the morning, unsurprisingly.
Graduation Vacation: Chapter 1
This was going to be one hell of a vacation.
Tabra's Vacation: Day Two
"hey hun, how was your vacation?" the blue dragon purred as he lay there on the couch, his belly against the fabric, "best vacation ever."
Timeless Vacation (Book9, Chap3)
#3 of twilight of the gods book9 chapter -3- timeless vacation _out of phase with linear time... parker family island_ ... **conner parker placed his hand** on the golden pole and pushed it away from himself.
Vacation at High Tail Hall
They had come to the island for a vacation recommended in a leaflet that sasha had gotten in a newspaper.
The Vacation Chronicles; Road Trip
The first chapter in the vacation chronicles, the sequel to the prologue "after hours". a madly in love rabbit-cat couple elope, planning to get married while on vacation.
Beast of Burden- A Working Vacation
Still, there are worse ways to spend a vacation...