Lion Trials
- asked andrew, genuine surprise on his face.
Very Important Lycanthrope - Day 5
"good morning andrew," the alpha werewolf said.
Ancient War, New Beginning
andrew answered, not telling the truth.
((ROUGH DRAFT)) Cosplay Surprises
andrew had yet to really get it with another guy... yet, he supposed.
Bio Weapon part 1
andrew jack?" the man told him, "oh? i am andrew jack ." the eighteen-year-old spoke, "alright, sign here."
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 5
andrew explains. "isn't that dangerous living near a volcano?" hakuzo asks. "true, but it's a small town. most everyone can escape quickly in the event of an eruption." andrew explains further.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 35
She kissed andrew on the forehead and took the rope in her hands.
Auxelle's Fight
Still holding on to andrew, she feels the hand of launa who then reaches out to the wolf with her hand out offering to take the both of them home. she's the reason why andrew came back after bumping into her.
Two Meals are Never Enough~
andrew takes his time with digesting gintaro, taking in total thirty minutes to turn gintaro into white and red cum. after he is fully melted, andrew takes his cock into his own mouth once again.
King Ulf's Pet Foxes
"thomas, suckle on andrew's penis, would you?" said the wolf. andrew laid down and thomas opened his mouth and took in the older fox's cock. fritz watched as thomas moved his muzzle up and down on andrew's dick.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 5, "Young Thing" - Part 1
andrew, john, chayne, you're safe from elimination!" still tugging on the rope with all his might, andrew fails to realize any of the commotion that has formed in the wake of his win. "andrew! andrew! you won, it's over!"
Selestral 1 - Genros Vermächtnis - Kap 28+29
andrew sagte schon, dass die dinger bis 180 km/h schnell sind." tarja nickte. „was hältst du von tarjas idee, andrew? außerdem solltest du mal aufhören mit kira rum zumachen und dich vorstellen." andrew räusperte sich und stand auf.