A King’s Comfort

"i'm just glad that the safeties on the crane were so badly installed." "like everything else here?" "yeah. the faun pilot had access to the crane motor but so did the controls in the box up there.

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Mixed Loyalty

"oh i hope so," i said, "otherwise grandmother crane would disown me." "i thought she already did," paul said. "oy..." i shook my head.

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Apology Accepted Po

crane whispered. monkey was the only one who was leaving the scene. "c'mon guys. we should leave them alone." he said as they were walking away. the others agreed and decided to leave.

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The Labyrinth

The crane stood idly while waiting for them to go inside. ronny and joey made their way past the crane. once they made their way inside the entrance some of the nearby torches lit up. it seemed they were triggered by their own movement.

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Snow, Exceptionally Bored (Illustrated)

So after a quick shift to widen his legs, snow's head would crane down and in to inspect himself.

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It indeed was, in a sense, as there was an immense tarp beneath his expansive paunch, and a crane rated to lift cars attached to the ceiling...

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The Witch's Farm, parts 1-9

"is... is that your penis", i asked, craning my head back to look at him. "yeah, hold this pose", emily replied. so it was. it felt like something the size of a fist.

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Fallen Angels, Part ten - Epilogue

Fallen angels epilogue the moment crane fell to the floor, the door lock clicked open, and quinn and i dashed headlong into the corridor without looking back. "they're trashing the lab," panted quinn. "they won't stop raging until the arf wears off."

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The Hockey Hunk Character List

**ashley eye center staff** _halford "hal" ashley_ - the co-owner of the ashley eye center with patrick crane. he is a raccoon of rotund size, although on a diet. _clayton_ - a coyote sales assistant at the ashley eye center.

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Revealed: Chapter 12

I had read some books about artificial intelligence and computer that crane had left lying around and it seemed correct by the way it was used. 'i don't know.' right, he only knows as much as me.

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Equine Indulgence

With a grunt, chris cranes up once again, eagerly taking his horseflesh into his mouth, fitting the head in and then some, wrapping his tongue around the shaft as he sucks himself off.

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