Ghost of a Chance
Especially when they're an immortal. **ghost of a chance** by xp author the two made their way across the hotel lobby, totally ignoring the woman behind the desk asking if they needed help.
The battle of t'alteran
I am william elexion, immortal 20, commander of the earth force, and grim reaper of universe 2. and this is the recount of some of the many battles i have fought, the soldiers i have fought besides, and the enemies i have killed. i will hide nothing.
The Fangshi of Hu village: Teaser
Was the man an immortal himself? "tell me everything from the beginning. do not spare the details or we'll have to deal with a lot more angry spirits than i'd like to."
Demon's Folly (Act2, Book2, Chapter4)
You learned there are people with abilities other than immortality. you learned about the artifacts. you learned everything you'd need to become who you are, now. i get it.
One Halloween Night...
immortality for him was no longer a possibility, at least for the foreseeable future. the longer he was away, the more complex the question of his immortality became.
2: The Exoself and Divinity
As a result they were effectively immortal, possessed powers humans could scarcely imagine, and were physically, mentally and cognitively far, far superior to humans, in every way; so much so that they were indistinguishable from gods.
Anatomical Anachronisms: Prologue: Firewood Carving
'the tree will decide what will be immortalized on itself,' as the saying went.
The Serpent Curse - Epilogue
I may not be able to move the way i used to, but i have become immortal. immortality i probably shouldn't have.
Sweet Home Chicago
I am immortal myself, seraphon. i know all too well the agony a body can suffer when it cannot die," the dragon growled. "but in the end, i don't have to hurt you."
Trust Trial (Chap16, book9)
"mythological beings are mutated variants of people stripped of their immortality who tried to repair what was taken from them - immortality." "okay, so why choose an incubus, steven?"
U.M.A Book 1 Chapter 1:The Start
Before we get started let's see how they got here....from the was the year 1890 when jake and ender were 10 years old due to the fact that they're immortals...they're parents, benjamin darkos and maya parker, were at home when jake and ender were
Thema's NSFW biography
She also gives her immortality. - understands the human language. - she can take the appearance of a human with her powers only during the day to go unnoticed.