His Kind Of Photoshoot [Patreon Commission]
Kano actually had to put a little bit of effort into emptying his bladder, to push through the slowly-growing arousal stirring in him as a result of watching this wolf thirstily nuzzle up between his legs and take his mark.
The world expands ch.9 - hurt feelings, marking and inside Cherrys mouth?
* * * i turned around to see cherry with bright red cheeks and a big smile on her face as she curled around me, it was then i realised the popcorn smell that was being emitted from her she was in the marking stage im not gonna lie, i was scared, if she
Tribal Stream Story 1: The Cat's Paw(toy)
_i'm being scent marked...they'll know me anywhere now._ his master chuffed lightly, pulling his other foot around, and before sean knew it, his nose was smashed between two toes and held there.
That one, Pink bitch - Introduction
Now you're going to mark me one more..? " eván whined, the dog soon lifting his tail by himself, consumed by let for the larger canine.." like you used too before you gained a mate?
The Lovers
Alexi couldn't help but inhale the strong scent of urine that exuded from jay's fur, marking him as the wolf's own.
Roaming Legendary
Deep down, she would still consider her body marked--zapdos's forever. chrissa leaned back with a sigh, redolent with the galarian bird's cum, and expected that to be it--up until zapdos showed it had more in mind for her.
Filthy Memoirs of a Filthy Leopard #4: Bestiality
He threw his head back as he came, his body shuddering as he marked my face - ears, eyes, nose, lips - with his jizz. it felt good. i had to sit there for an hour before bouncer could pull out.
Bloodbound: Chapter 1
**Bloodbound: Chapter 1** Howls faded into the distance as Nathan rushed out into the darkness of the night. He'd made it out just in time. Any minute now, the others would be upon him, and then... Thump. The first movie goer bumped into Nathan as...
High Tide (By Valyri)
It wasn't as though the fox hadn't been marked before - far from it - but he'd certainly have to go deep in his memory banks to find such a violent opening. he probably wouldn't.
July 2022 Patreon Sketches
There was no way he could even try to forget that he wore their marks, though, as already it had started to dry into his fur, warm and slick and somewhat sticky.
Pokemon Commission: Given a Master Chapter 2
She felt a warm trickle on her rear, her head shooting up to turn around and see linoone with raised leg marking her, his intense gaze still on her.
Yellow Feathers and Black Scales Part 1
(Authors Notes: This is a comissioned story between my character Lares Fuxfell and Royalty's Kandra. I tried my best with it and since I am not a native english speaker, I apologize for any grammer mistakes and typos. ) Heavy footsteps get muted by...