One Day

"i'm going to the mystic garage tonight, i would invite you but i am supposed to meet jade camerin there." "a date? i never asummed you went for girls." "yeah well, there is always a time for new things.


Save a Life and You Will Save the World

For many years, david was a distant figure- the mystic in the black felt fedora and dark suit, still holding on to the garments of a hasidic rebbe while espousing views which would have been more in line with the conservative school of jewish thought.

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IDENTITY CRISIS - The World of I.D. (Prologue)

mysticism (not magic per-say, but ended up being called it anyway) came with these forms and as such wars broke out for the sake of every races survival. most of these mystic figures hid from the world, to keep from dying out.

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 2

Now you'll never get by my wall, i activate mystical space typhoon, destroying terminus! the whirlwind goes for it, but the little girl just smirks. shimmer: you fucking loser. i chain it.

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Gnoll body Knows My Troubles

But it honestly didn't matter because he decided right there to move his appointment with the mystic to at that moment.

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The dictorum, like most of its ilk, read dry, with references to other dictorums on mystical study.

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Magnalith Chapter One: The Festival

"i'm a mystic, boy. it's what i do, and from what i can tell, the name will be known by many in time." "what do-" "shhh," the mystic shushed me. she started waving her hands around the crystal ball. smoke started forming around the tent.

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Lust Patrol

She smirks to herself as even if she doesn't get a full interview from the mystic vigilante she'll have one heck of a story is she can get it on the news tonight.

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Archmage Prostitution

"mystical, usually. birds only seem to stick with the mystic ones, out in the capital." the dragon's interests were immediately piqued.

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shadow 10

Holland turned and sneered, "kill them." he shouted as the mystics began to move toward the order.

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