A Day in the Life: part 5
I washed dor as i had the previous night, rinsing his hair and cleaning his shoulder well.
Evokation / Book III: The Tower / Part 10
Shelly huffed indignantly, and then she stormed away as the reptile sighed and slumped his shoulders, blueberry patting him gently on the shoulder as mercy shook her head with a look of distaste.
Between The Streets - Part 2 [Commission]
Gaz noticed, slid around the backside of the car, and rested an arm over the other dog's shoulder; prince bumped his muzzle against the wild dog's shoulder and stepped up with him.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 48
Renna nodded against her shoulder, gradually pulling her tears back to sniffles. "okay." mellah took her by the shoulders and pulled back a little, so she could look her in the eye.
Master & Slave: The Initiation
Taking another deep breath, she straightened, walking with her head up and shoulders back, tail sweeping the ground behind her.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 47
Renna nodded against her shoulder, gradually pulling her tears back to sniffles. "okay." taberah took her by the shoulders and pulled back a little, so she could look her in the eye.
It was small, small enough that they rubbed shoulders when they stood side by side. chris pressed the button for his floor, then laid his arm across the stallion's slim shoulders, pulling him in against his side.
A Curtain Falls over Furdom 6: Pantry
Shadow had sagged forward, his head resting heavily over my shoulder. our paws had dropped in shock, and i slowly managed to raise my paws back up to hold his shoulders again. i flexed my paws into his shoulder. we had made it.
Through Breath and Sight - Chapter 1
I hesitate, and at once almost lose my balance as the others shoulder their way past me, jostling me violently back and forth.
The Anniversary Gift
The figure just growled, a deep gutteral growl, his paws drawing out and grasping at her shoulders, pushing her back into the grass.
First time with a Wolf
He slid his tongue against the back of her neck, and then down her shoulder, kissing her in between.
Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 2 - Midgame (Special Guest)
Carefully, zig zag leaned slightly to her left, hunching her shoulder up as the heavy downpour spilled down on to it.