Living Suit
When i better looked documentation of project ‚living suit', which we acquired in its assault on transport, it stopped in particular me one thing." „and what about you to the documentation that taken aback?" she asked sarcastically doctor blaik.
Unmanned transport vehicle xu70 "mule" the mule is much bigger than the xu71 and can transport crates of ammo or supplies or weapons or two stretchers with wounded or whatever is needed.
What Would You Do?
- "our transport have arrived." - shade said with happy voice and began to disassemble his rifle - "i'm out of here." - "thank you my friend." - sil replied, hearing an increasing buzz sound from the transport plane engines.
War tails of the white Wolf (Ch 10) Eye's of a Stranger
The ann'bolsha did have life forms on it and they had opened fire on the darwin and the transport ship. rrahkarr watched in horror as the transport ship got hit repeatedly and became engulfed in flames as it began re-entry into acx-003's atmosphere.
Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 3
"don't crash the transport."
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 16
He pressed the button on the dashboard, popping out the transporter computer again. mick swiftly tapped the "e" button on the screen, activating escape mode!
A Meeting in Coruscant
Despite bek futilely pleading that the transport ship was only a civilian vessel, the star destroyer in the end pulled the ship via a tractor beam to the hangar and presumably to our doom.
Location: Unknown
We can scavenge for supplies and look for transportation."
The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 3
A c-92 transport ship is dispatched and soon lands near the location of doomfond, dragon x, and the surviving members of hell division. the group boards the transport and then takes off towards head quarters. arn: "so what now, sir?"
Decisions and Sacrfice Four
That be a shipment supply transport." the leader of the group said. "he he he, was a supply transport. just a bunch of spilled cargo. you want the cargo boss, hu hu?" a hyena type dog eagerly awaited an answer. dirty dog shook his head in dismay.
Sirius: Book One - The Beginning: Chapter 12: Hope
Send out a squadron of transports! converge on coordinates 114 west, 10 south of here," ordered captain varu. -- the transports arrived, seven of them in total.
Slave Trade - Unprepared
The stag was brought before the open transport's door by a pair of armored hyenas.