Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 25
"i need to sterilize everything that i will need to mend the ka'yna's wound. if we do not kill the germs, the wound could get infected and he could die."
The Creed: Stand and Feel Your Worth
J grabbed the razor that purp had brought with him, and proceeded to lightly shave the areas around the wounds, careful not to let any fur fall back into the wound. "sorry about that," j mumbled underneath his breath.
derpy's depression
Another few cuts and she was at 30, her belly and chest covered in cuts and leaking blood, she looked like something from a horror film but she didn't care.
Pokémon Diaries Chapter 1 Who Am I?
It hurt whenever he rolled on the wound on my head but after a while it didn't hurt that much, when he was done wrapping he made a knot and stroked my head. "there, too bad you can't tell me how you got wounded." "i can talk!" he just smiled.
Jericho's Find
I place the wet towel on her forehead and start to clean the cuts and stitch the deep cuts together. "ha guess that first response training was worth it".
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 138
To the rest of his cuts as well.
This is me... and I'll get back to you on who that is.
Why was i the only one that had to hurt? why, why did i have to hurt. who had i wronged in this or any previous life time?".
Blue: Chapter 16
He says there's an injury." gold frowned. he hoped they were alright. it was either brown or red who was injured after all, and they were both his brothers. "alright." he said shortly, waving the others back into the truck.
Nila's Story: A Strange in Need
She gasped as she removed her hands from the wound and stumbled back a little. the wound was smoking some kind of black fog. "w-w-what? what is h-happening?" asked the wounded longneck as if he noticed nothing of strange in his wounds.
Hero, Chapter 20 - Broken
His side had been torn open by vicious claw wounds and his ear had been punctured by sharp teeth. however, the worst injury was his front right leg. it had been torn almost halfway off.
Dragon's Path: Needs of a Virgin Dragon
I cannot promise it won't hurt, but what i know is that your wounds will heal much quicker." vrelgor spread his wing, then hissed when the human pushed the damp cloth between the wide cuts.
Wild war 1,2
With the worst behind me, i looked over the battlefield a little harder, surely if they'd miss me, there might be more survivors, and wounded or was my job to make sure the injured were treated.