Life (A Mini-story)

The man opened his eyes. He saw himself placed in very...unfamiliar surroundings. He was in an open field. He looked down at the ground; feeling it on his feet. It was the greenest grass you could ever have imagined. He looked up at the sky...Was the...

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Draco and Lily: Prom Night

As always do not read if you are under 18. This is not meant for you and you should leave now. But then again I may not be able to stop you. Author's Note and semi warning- This is the story on how Draco and Lily met. This story gets pretty serious...

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Waiting (part 1)

**This is a series of short stories I am working on with my character Aeron. This is part 1.** A bead of sweat ran down the edge of his face and joined a small pool at the edge of his mouth. He was hot. His body clenched and twisted with each swing...

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A Life Worth Living - Chapter 5 - The Eighth Fourth Letter

A Life Worth Living - Chapter 5 - The Eighth Fourth Letter   "Hmmmm, what are you doing?" She said, walking out of the hallway and rubbing the drowsiness from her eyes. "Well, I slept in about 5 hours longer than usual, so I'm in a great mood....

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Forgotten Memories: The End

Wrong. Everything was wrong with this scenario. The trees, the very air the purple dragon breathed was poisoned. His amethyst eyes were widened in fear and disbelief. He had to be dreaming! There was no possible way that this could be happening! Yet,...

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Chapter One: The Adoption Agency

_Flippy an American hero of the Vietnam war plagued with a dark second side that thirsts for blood that is kept in check with medication found himself returning home to Happy Tree Town, back in his home of the United States, upon returning however he...

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Ander's Zombies Ch 4

When you are very sad, what do you do? Do you have a special toy, like a fuzzy stuffed animal, that you hug and tell it what's bothering you? Is it so big and squishy you can push your entire face into it and it muffles everything you say? Do you turn...

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Be Yourself

People will come along in your journey through life, some saying you need to change and be like them to be successful. This is a misconception, your uniqueness is what makes you who you are and how you are successful in your own way of living. These...

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Alone without a mate

Oh God, Why am I still alone? Sitting in my broken home, Holding my head in my hands, They are blood red, Filled with pieces of glass, Crying in despair, I want to mate and make a pair, Someone with who to share, All my feelings and...

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The First Rider

Peli was considered the best huntress not only in her town, but in the realm she resided in, unfortunately, on today's bounty she had finally met her match. The beast that had plagued a small mountain community had been captured. A beast with wings and...

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The Two Wolves

Pouncefield. A town of freedom. Home of the St. Lovejoy school, where every new day is filled with a new adventure for every student that attends. At least, during the week. Weekends are a different matter, as are holidays. Some holidays fall...

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To Chase a Rabbit: Happy Ending

**To Chase a Rabbit: Happy Ending** Before the turtle placed the package in front of the bunny's shed, the insect placed his business card in the donation box. The shelled reptile cut his eyes to the cicada out of suspicion. "Oh, no Sir." The...

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