Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths: Keith's Story - Chapter 1
Keith keeps quiet on the walk, wondering how much of the 'happy' nature of the school is some kind of brainwashing. he has his own opinions, but doesn't want to start blurting them out in the open around 'indoctrinated' youths.
Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Seven
He also mentioned some kind of indoctrination period but who knows how long the brainwashing will last." lou continued then finally he turned to address the other two. "is your temper tantrum done now?" merrik asked.
My little Pony: Guardians of Equestria pt. 10
"devon, she helped kidnap both me and twilight, brainwashed me, and made me her...her..." "sex toy?" "shut the fuck up," "kay," he answered with a grin.
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 12. The Truth
"how can they all think brainwashing everyone in the world into being nice is a good thing? its totally wrong!""they all have complete blind faith in celestia," explained blueblood.
Summer of the Articuno (TF/Hypnosis)
**Summer of the Articuno** Ten years old was far too young to get your first Pokémon. Whoever came up with that idea obviously never had a rambunctious little sister, especially one who had always been far too adventurous for her own good. Ever...
A Taste of His Own Medicine - Part 1
A beam of light from a flashlight cut through the darkness of the underground warehouse. Shu was making his last patrol around the warehouse to make sure everything was in place. Unlike a regular warehouse, the worry wasn't only that people would come...
Male Enhancement I
Male Enhancement By: Lapsa For: DragonmegaXX Warning: Sissification "Nice game out there, Cocoa." The thin mouse cracked a coy smile, a hand reaching out to stop the fox gently just as the vulpine freed his long brown hair from...
In Talen's Talon (Assimilation Alt)
In Talen's Talons **`By: Lapsa`**** `For: Noah1237 & Talen`** "Hmph..." Talen huffed, nearly growling as a mix of boredom and frustration swirled around in his mind - claws tapping in time with the echoing of the clock as his eyes darted from it down...
The Demon's Corruption
Nicole blinked as she heard a deep voice reply to her calls, "Come in." She hesitantly set her hand on the doorknob, as she turned the doorknob she felt an odd presence in the air. The girl glanced around nervously as she walked into the room, "Hey...
Ronald's New Pride
Roland's jaws opened up in a large yawn as he followed behind the group, the tourist had been woken early by his group's tour guide who had wanted to get out early. The wolf wasn't used to waking up extremely early, so the fact that he had been woken...
Torchlight International Part 2: The Initiation
I arrived at the Regent's Suites hotel downtown just a few minutes before 6:30. After checking into the hotel (which, fortunately, was covered in the price of the workshop), I was directed to a row of tables where smartly-dressed volunteers sat...
Stranded in Space
Jack Tyron groaned as he stepped through another brush of bright purple plants, leaves crunching underneath his heavy boots as sweat ran down his forehead. The explorer sighted as he rested against one of the strage blue barked trees. "Right......