Tiny Toon Adventures: L'amour kick a**!
He decided to invite fifi at the restaurant after the concert. in the concert room, there was only 15 minutes remaining before the show...
Max and David Ch4
"well, my brother who works at the concert center got some tickets to see a new and upcoming band called jet black." alex said. max's eye got real wide, he loved jet black. "is the lead guitarist name jake?"
Zootopia Park: 2/??
"i just wanted to remind you that next weekend, i'm going to be performing the debut concert of my new album at the amazing ozark hotel at wild isle and i hope to see as many of my fans as possible.
A Night Out
"when's the next concert?"
The party after the contest, or how to lose your virginity in five hours
I like the way marilyn manson performs on stage so i couldn't resist adding what could be called 'a brief, imaginary concert' in which he's performing, even though i haven't been in a rock concert in years.
Shadow of the Ancestors - Chapter 3
"there's a concert going on at the local concert hall here in nogune. since it's still early, do you want to head over there and see if we can get tickets?"
Moved by the Music
"...are you in any hurry to get back to the concert? coz, if not..."
A Flash and Deja Vu
David, the ace of clubs, was on my side saying we needed to do as many concerts, talk shows, et cetera so that we can just lounge around in a couple years.
And i'll bring you like, some nice things from the concert!"
Calum's Celebrity Status (commission)
It had been a few weeks since the concert, but things were not going any better for me.
Lonely Oak Chapter 28
And tonight was a very special concert. "timimy stop playing!" kelly-elly scolded. "our ears are going to get tired of it by the time the whole _troupe_ gets on stage."
Ch 15 (Movement 2) Trio
You'll be performing some of the greats, mozart, beethoven, bach, your choice of material of course, and your concert requiem celebration piece for a two week booking with three weeks practice total before hand.