Exo Suits, Power Armor and Armor Pods
Power armor description/design history: power armor is used for personal protection and it sees extensive use by numerous factions.
Rise Of The Maou: Chapter 009
Selecting the quest brought the quest description up once more followed by a small mini window telling him the quest was complete and showed him the completion rewards which was just some gp, closing the mini window the quest description was now all dulled
Shooting Star - Gemini
(appears 38) eye color: aquamarine height: 6' 0" description: being the guardian of the emperor himself, pisces gives orders to all of the other zodiacs excluding gemini and leo due to their status as guardians.
Flora's Flexible Survival Corner. Form 1: Wolger
[end if] cock description: red, tapered, knotted, and barbed cunt description: delicately folded cock transformation: when the changes wash over your groin, [if [player] is male]your shaft seems to shift in colour and form.
The Ayr'een Summary
I figured it would be best if i uploaded the description of this race, so it was better understood whom the ayr'een are.
Story teaser
Thrusting a booklet of rooms and descriptions into their three fingered hands, before ushering down the hallway into the main ball room.
Mini-Story -- You Hear Music in the Background...
That's a stupid description." "i really have to agree, howie."
Hunting Death- The Magic Parasite Fiin
I had asked the wizard who i got the book from about that and he said it was typically considered bad luck to actually include a description of your kind.
The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 1
General description the canius race is born of magic and ancient knowledge, though that knowledge is a little one sided, as it was used to create us, not to be instilled in us.
Tournament of Champions
#4 of yu-gi-oh exceed "you seriously want me to enter this tournament, their's no way i could win this.", virgil said as he looked the poster that had a description of the duel monster competition.
Chapter 2: Reflections Before the Journey
Toby, read the plant description, even though he had it memorized. it was too vague, but he was almost sure this was it. "yeah, i'm sure, we need a few of those mushrooms." "how can we get over there, without falling?"
The making of a book cover - A heresy story
Img2img: by giving sd a description and an image, sd will attempt to generate an image. inpainting: by giving sd an image, marking a particular area within said image, and giving it a description, sd will try to recreate said area.