
Duration seven hours on permit, docking after permit expires will result in fees and charges, legal documents will be sent via inter communications link to your ship's directory."

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Bentley's Scale Problems

Slippy took his place digging through the documents. "this... this is bad." slippy said as he scoured a document. before benley could ask slippy went on.

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Library Consultation

Walking slowly down the library aisle, he pushed along a document cart that was half filled with books of assorted sizes.

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Apocalypse, parts 1-8

One icon was a document. i clicked that one. a window opened full of document icons with a search bar on top. i touched the first document. it opened into an article labeled "di-genetics and the future". i started reading.

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Painful Creativity

All i've done is sign papers with my own name and write down documents.

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[Commission] Hyaenathrope

"you know, if you want to research me so badly, there is one spot that somebody has yet to document the difference on. i reckon you would fit quite well in there, though it might be a little cramped."

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Capsule - Prologue + Chapter 1

Soon enough she found herself reading the large document the ufn had released to the public. the document was named the 'international requirements for united feldir nations'.

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Star Fox: Tiberium War (Chapter Five: The Briefing)

A white document suddenly appeared next to the picture. johnson scanned through the document quickly and realized it was the medical report on the ape. johnson stopped reading and looked at the general. he had a slight green look to him.

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"The Thin Line," Part OO

I quickly read the document out to him, and he nodded. taking the stylus with a shaking paw, he scratched his name at the bottom, and i followed with mine.

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"could you scan these documents?" she awoke from her daze and saw steve, standing there with a proverbial mountain of paperwork in his arms. "say what?" "we need these documents scanned and in the system by tomorrow?

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