The Horrors of Stonebury, Chapter 4
Once i'm able to afford my own place, i'll probably get myself a flat downtown!" concerns were fading away slowly as the handsome gentleman running the ice cream stand handed tabitha a bowl.
"Family Tails" - Chapter 1
Once she got downtown, though, some of the people on the sidewalk moved away, and she could sense the apprehension--if not outright fear--they felt upon seeing her.
Hanging the family clothes
Joey's flat was located downtown the city. it was a humble flat with the basic needs for two people, though joey was alone there.
Day of Infamy
Charles had argued at the social club downtown that the model of german militarism might be the means to end the depression just four years ago.
The Pig Pen
The weather posed no obstacle, allowing the students to roam downtown without a care, lit by the ever present orange aura of the streetlights.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 7
"i saw a bunch of colorful animals like you downtown at lunch today." he laughed, "maybe you should-" cassandra took off on her roller blades, not bothering to listen any further. she had to see, maybe someone else saw them downtown!
The Pound-Prologue
I once found a clutch of a hundred eggs left in an old, abandoned, firehouse in downtown chicago. we thought it was bad in the 2010s. god! were we wrong! just counting anthros and humans we have a total population of well over people.
Double Vision (Mavology IV)
Mav pointed out some features of his hometown, and gave maverick a running commentary on the history of newark on their way downtown. he made a morbid quip about how the downtown was "ringed with decay".
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 10
I nod, "joffer's downtown, in holding. you just missed the press conference at city hall a few hours ago. the captain's honoring your deal; you're free."
Legend High-Prologue Part One
._ _"... it is here in downtown nyc where a bank robbery had just taken place. the police are in hot pursuit!..."_ _the ice cream vendor was across the street, just up ahead.
nohope part one
[if you haven't guessed yet here it comes]i ran away from home. i ran away from my friends. i ran away from downtown. i ran away from the camera. i ran away from the pit i ran away from them. i ran away from it.i ram away from the marker.
Poetry is Not For Me
Anthony (or anth by his friends) was staring at a very nice looking fox on the train one day coming home from his little downtown movie theater job.