I Think They Call It The Flip-Flop
"i kinda like how yours looks, too." how could i not?
NOC ch11: The Exo Club
"kinda fucked it up there, but we still have this. they're on your side. it's like the... horse guy said. come on. head in the game. let's go."
SYBT: I’m A Unicorn, and I Hate It
We kinda depend on her for views now, you know the furry views, they just love her. oh yeah i'm kat." she said extending her hand. nicky shook it and looked at the woman over. "your kinda, uh, accepting." nicky said trying to read the woman.
It's O-Kay
"kinda weird, unca. but not bad-weird, just... tingles a little, kinda? i dunno..." she whined a bit and then shivered again as another thunderclap sounded. i chuckled and kissed her forehead. "there's nothing to be scared of, little one.
Part 1-Chapter 1
Actually, it's kinda creepy of them to point that out. anyways, it didn't matter that i was going to my uncles', logan was the best uncle ever, and him being gay kinda helped that.
"yeah that's the thing about mexican...it all kinda looks like what comes out the other end....but man does it smell and taste fuckin' fantastic!
Love Shall Win 1 - When You Come Back To Me
"...wow...i...i can kinda see that yeah."
The Life of Another - Chapter 8
His parents aren't bad but they kinda just tried to ignore it and hoped it would all go away but it didn't. some stuff happened, that might be kinda personal so i'll let jim tell it if he wants, but after that he ended up here.
A Rainy Day
I felt kinda like him right now, anyways. i stuck my hands in my pockets and felt something hard. my fingers got tangled up in cords, and i stopped walking a moment to fight with whatever it was.
The voice of reason - Ch 4 - A new friend...
The moment i first saw her, i was kinda baffled. it was that tigress girl i mentioned before. i did see her a lot in the hallways in college and it's a kind of face you'll never forget.
Treacherous Training
kinda figured you'd be a lil bigger. you got that whole... hung twink vibe going on, but..." she suddenly dropped into a squat, face to face with his junk and rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "...you're kinda just a twink, i guess."
P.O.V. - Reflections 1
In front of us the bunny was removing his clothing gracefully, showing his slender but kinda curvy body covered in smooth fur.