The Unknown Soldier

The insurgent gunner, a tiger, had his back to the entrance. miller had a clear shot. there was no thought, only reflex, as his finger twitched on the trigger.

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Baxley and The Black Paw Chapter 1

"roger that; engaging", purred mike and within a few seconds one of the gunners was lying on the ground as a shot rang out. the men grabbed their weapons and scattered, looking for cover and the shooter. baxley smirked.

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The First Contact

The defensive gunners manned their stations on the top, tail, nose, and belly as everyone looked out for fighters. they saw them.

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A Christmas Reunion (Part 1)

Captain snowbear wouldn't tell on his gunner. so here's a secret you can have just to prove it. i sometimes wish i _could_ be more like you. because here's my secret: i kind of like bad boys.

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Ablaze Ch.17: Battle of Senchen (14)

The parosanan machine gunner, uninjured after the contact, leans out of the room he has taken cover in and lays down fire on the paratroopers. "maintain fire on him!" faine shouts.

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Empire: Chapter 3-Battle DC

The round struck the gunner's helmet with devastating affect. i could a small black dot appear on one side of the man's helmet and a cloud of red from the other.

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The Gates of Hell II- Flashpoint

As gunners abandoned turrets and slid down escape ladders, anyone hanging around the base of the wall sprinted back to the secondary defence line that had been formed at the edge of the barrack sections.

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With the gunner left, sin follows the orange-white brilliance of the bullets tearing through the fog, and follows it to the source.

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The Shade Cheonicles: The Time Complex: Section 2:Say my name

gunners, open up at charlie starting to shoot at incessant. we need them alive!" i bark into the comms.

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City of Light Chapter 14: Quest Lost

._ he let loose another torrent of flames before the gunner could fire again. he heard another scream, followed by the cannon suddenly lighting up with blue energy as it fired in the gunner's death throes.

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Ein Wolf in der Falz - For King and Country

Dust drifted in through the opened view port to settle on top of the anxious jackal loader, ready to replace a 20mm shell as the gunner needed.

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Scream for Victory, Artillery Strike

Our gunner opened fire with good ole vick. well, as the spray of our machine gun popped dirt around them, they simply fired their gun back, popping our dirt. i heard a scream and one of our lads went down, having been hit in the chest.

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