Z'nth's Crossed Swords like adventure.
Armpits mercilessly tickled.
Muffet's Secret Ingredient
tickling fingers went up and down his arches, the points of her narrow fingers digging into his soles constantly, adding that tiny bit of pain to the constant tickles, poking and stroking and wiggling constantly.
Tickle Torment
It was nearly 4 hours of intense foot tickling and he didn't know how much more he could handle. the tiger finally broke. the tickling was too much for him.
His Humiliation
Her feathers to tickle him.
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Shining Armor.
Tune in next time for another episode of: female-on-male tickle rape!
The loincloth ripped (part 3)
Warning: in this story there are tickling, nudity, and fucking. i've warned you. if you don't like these topics, don't read it. (s) she giggled to herself still tickling the tip of mowgli's cock, she moved it down the shaft tickling his entire cock.
Fun with quicksand (part 1)
Mowgli was walking barefeet and he had always the fear someone could discover his secret: mowgli was ticklish. he was very ticklish, especially on his feet and on his private areas. mowgli continued walking with shanti, enjoying the day with her.
Strength in Numbers 2 - Casey
Now, his sisters were all wound up, and the ticklings commenced. oh god, the tickles. how he hated them.
Slithering Love
Soles liked to get tickled by sabrina... "do-do ya?" "i like your tickles, friend," soles said with her hypnotic smile.
Trial of the Races: 3 - The Winners
It was just another tickling fate after all.
Don and Jake - Chapter 1
As far back he could remember he'd always loved tickling other furs, from friends at sleepovers to his own younger brothers whenever he got the chance. he vividily remembered the first time he relized he more than just "liked" tickling.
The Dwarven Book of Orcs
'are you ticklish? are your big feet ticklish greenboar?' 'please..' okratan gasped in terror, 'no tickle orc there!' 'well, well, well.. a big orc like you who's so afraid to get his feet tickled.