DREADWOLF Chapter 30 to 34
He was ruthless and ate his way down into its chest devouring the monster's lower body as the upper body screamed and shrieked in fear and torment.
Rush for the Key:Fatom's & Mizori's adventure part A
"obviously not made for a dragon." he mumbled as he found a staircase leading to an upper floor. "another floor above this one? i thought the key was on a lower floor.... might as well adventure though."
The Origin of the Demon Minotaur Samael
Lilith then traced out a devil girl on jameel's left upper arm, and a hand holding an eye on his right upper arm. she explained that these tattoos were magical, and that they would protect him.
Midnight Rave CH1
After an hour we sat down, the place had an upper room where the wall were sound proof, if wanted any quite. so we went up there. "this place is pretty awesome." i said after i got my drink and sat next to tony.
In Heat We Lust: In Rut I Thrust
Tonguing downward along vixy's hindquarters, i notice vex still working on her front half; lapping at her upper back fur and approaching the top of her head now.
Hangover: Cowbell Cure
Her upper teeth started to regress however, being absorbed into and becoming one and the same with the upper jaw! just how cow-like is she becoming?! bovine don't have teeth at the top front, only the bottom front.
Sins of the Future
Angling the structure had become extremely unruly due to its length, but the overall slimmer upper section proved itself a boon in handling.
Dragon Balls
Like his upper body to his lower; his lower jaw was many times broader than his upper! because of this- all his lower fangs slightly overlapped his upper lips, because the lower jaw is also slightly wider, allowing his fangs to fit over the upper ones.
ChocolatEel! - A Sweet Story (Illustrated by LordSnape, WhiteMantis & UndyingSong)
In fact, the skin of her face was actually white with red freckles, as one colour had overtaken the other halfway along her nicely endowed upper body.
Spectember: Ichthyornithid Parrots
To these ends it developed two key adaptations: - the upper jaw completely lost its teeth, becoming a powerful, deep beak.
Boy Meets Gill(s) - (Illustrated by DMA, Angel27 and WhiteMantis)
At the same time, he saw kean's upper body near him in the mixed up ball, embracing her husband's black, finned tail.
3000 - Phase I
His upper cock rested in the upper half of his ass crack, with it's tip rubbing the underside of his tail's base. it was new, and brought a shiver though his body.