Lost archives of the Xenomorphs: Plot before the War

#5 of alien lives i finished this and it took me awhile so think and give on what might happen in the future lost archives of the xenomorphs: plot before the war.

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Grease monkey Chapter eight

He works in the xenomorphic relations department. his power extends over all alien visitations, and reserves the right to deny planetary access as he sees fit.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 13-The Immune

The ride to the outskirts of the slums, apart from a few stray zombies who found their way under the treads of the tank, was uneventful, despite it being a 10 mile trip. We kept a good clip for the distance, arriving at an outer tunnel that lead into...

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 11-Stuck In Hell

The tank rolled up to the gate and pulled to the side while the Deuce backed in. The people in the parking lot were packing up their tents and belongings while Chy was standing outside waiting for me, along with Vahq, Sonya and Sarah. "I didn't...

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 8-DJ Skyline

Alcatraz and I loaded up with Mike early the next morning to make our way to the radio station. The sky was a dull gray with the sunlight just barely coming through it. Almost everyone inside the tower's fences was still asleep and snoring was clearly...

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 7-Speculation

When we made it back to the lifeguard tower, we were greeted by Marco and Matt as they opened the gate for us. Chy pulled the Ford into the parking garage and killed the engine as the rest of us stepped out. "Take that stuff into Sarah", I said,...

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Isolation-Excerpt 31- The Situation Worsens

Alcatraz's condition didn't get much better as the hours past, in fact it probably got worse. The reddish tint on his skin actually got darker, His fever was hovering over 99, which was already dangerous territory for a synthetic, seeing as how they...

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 4- This Hell Sure Looks Like Paradise

At the end of the hallway it branched off into what looked like a waiting area that had a tent with a family of xenomorphs which looked rather beaten down by recent events, while the other end held doors to a bigger waiting room and some more office space

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Xenomorph X Human ~ Chapter 12

#12 of xenomorph x human more flashback into the couple's beginnings. memories of the past drive xerah forward, longing for her mate. but what do memories of the past, of things lost, do to eric? **\*quick note...

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"New Guy"

"God damn Simmons, the fuck did you eat last night man? Smells like the ass end of a cow who ate too much Mexican food!" Simmons shrugged as they walked along the corridors. "Don't dis the Mexican food Keeny, besides, you've smelled worse." "Oh...

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 15-Progress

The longer I was stuck on the planet, the less I liked it. About half way back to the hotel, a really bad rainstorm came out of...well hell if I know. Once second the sky was blue, then about five minutes later it was like someone in heaven had ripped...

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