In The Gray, No One Can Hear You Crinkle
Granted, he couldn't hear the mage casting spells because of the nature of the zone, but everything felt off here. his ears still ached from the earlier popping and his weapons began feeling heavy on him. it was as if this zone wasn't a zone at all.
Character Sheet - Reese
While still first and foremost a live combat arena station and dread zone made all of its revenue off ratings and fighting first, dread zone's leader and master, bradlew was still a businessman and catered heavily to the higher class.
Protégé of the Gods + Picture
With the last one down she enters the second zone which demands that she uses anything other than her blade to destroy these objects.
Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.10: The Right Mate Makes a Happy Wolf
The next thing that i smelled after the o-zone was the smell of lycans. many hundreds of lycans that were inhabiting the change zone. it was kind of ridiculous how many of us were there.
The Chronicles of Kobalt, Kobalt and the Gem of Life, chapter 1, Part 1
As he got closer towards the hunting zone he thought of nothing except the large request of meat he was hoping to get that day. but on the edge of the zone, meat was driven out of his mind by something else.
Chronicles of the Justicar ActII Part IV
City of kazak, contested war zone, mausoleum] "a giant, acid shooting, undead behemoth! seriously, who creates this stuff!?"
The Awakening of Dragons: Chapter Nine
Them and a tighter zone to manage.
Wastelands-Chapter 32-The Greenvile Dead Zone Part 1-What's At Stake
They were preparing to enter the exclusion zone on foot.
The war to remember chapter 4
Master sergeant looks at us and whispered, "okay guys we going to go back to the landings zone and camp out for tonight we'll call alpha squad for support,cause there to many hostiles to engage".we got settle at the landing zone and i was on watch for
The Draconian Story: Chapter 14
I actually had the privilege to cross the neutral zone directly to your country if necessary, but i won't take the risk."
Integration: Part One
"that is far from the worst i saw in the zone," he whispered sadly and brought his knees closer to himself. "i was in the d.c. bombardment zone for the entire war.
Kobold Sex Magic 2
Suddenly ripped from the erogenous zone skrin let out a yowl, slapping at the student's biting maw upon his shoulder.