Voyager: Chapter 9
She had been on a school field trip to a museum of natural history when it happened. people, who at first glance, looked normal, put on gas masks and dropped canisters that released the chemicals which turned nearly everyone around into canis'.
The Origin of Cygnagons
"would you happen to have any books on the natural history of the planet cygnus prime?" asked swiftrose. "as a matter of fact, we do," said wolra. she pulled out a book entitled evolution on cygnus prime.
For Me It Was Tuesday
They want me in their natural history department for my papers on the conservation of midwest bird populations. potentially next year." sam's chocolate eyes widened in comprehension and glee. "that's a thirty minute train ride from here."
Getting Natural
They had fooled around before with predator-play, just a little though, normally re-living a far more playful, sexy version of the day at the natural history museum.
Misconception Part 1
It took him a moment to find what he was looking for but eventually, he found the section on natural history. it was located in the western wing of the facility.
Heist - Prologue
The beautiful stone had been the indian museum of natural history's latest acquisition, and according to the curators who normally roamed these halls during the light of day, it had been well worth acquiring.
Kyt at the Museum
He was with his friend kyto at the natural history museum, and the blue feline was transfixed by the giant reconstruction of the king of dinosaurs. his friend, a red fox, tugged at his arm.
Country Living
His fangs were bared, his eyes were far more crazed and feral than they had been in the natural history museum, the first time she'd gotten wet at his savage acting.
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 06
"welcome to the cordella museum of natural history."
SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 7
He made a mess of the newly designed dinosaur exhibit at the megakat natural history museum. he had sneakily planted his favorite kat eating flora and vines in and among the fake scenery in the exhibit.
Corrupted Souls-Chapter Two
I am rita alejandra lopez of the field museum of natural history, chicago, illinois." "wait, what?" i replied. i felt a chill go up my spine. "heh, weird, we just talked about chicago before the movie started." "what a coincidence..." she replied.