Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (6)

The club of plane crash survivors. " " hmm.... never heard of it. " " like it says. it´s a club for plane crash survivors. " " well thanks but... " martin said while he gave the envelope back. " .... i´m not interested, sir. besides....

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Course Corrected (Act1, Book2, Chapter18)

"if the plane crash prophecy comes true, we'll be fighting in broad daylight." donovan sighed. "i'll do my best to hide your actions with my shadows. but it isn't easy in broad daylight." "oh, donovan, you're badass.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 11

My plane crashed. a man got out of his seat when the captain was crashlanding the plane. i jumped out of my seat to tackle him. fuck! i didn't want him to die!. the moment i caught him, the plane crashed!. my head hit the ceiling!".

odd mates part 5

When the aeroplane crash-land in jasper park.** **how will humphrey and kate deal with this new problem.** **chapter 5 out cold** **to garth and tony** " dad dad ,are you ok " garth said in a worried, as he was looking at his farther injured body.

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Rising Downfall -Preview-

I managed to stop the bleeding by finding an old rag in the plane crash. i've been wondering around this wasteland for what seemed like days. i could still die out here. from dehydration to getting eaten by vultures or some other carnivore.


A Forest Nightmare

#1 of adventure my first attempt at a story so any advice would be great. its about a boy who is the only known surviver of a plane crash after he flew through the bermuda triangle. he crashed in an endless jungle full of dangers,the boy tries to escape this

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Odd Mates Redone part 1

But in the air above canada, the aeroplane crashed into jasper park. were we found by humphrey and co. what will happen to me and nala with the wolfs of jasper park. alpha and omega and all the charters are own by lion gate.

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Another Chance: Chapter 2

That was when the plane crashed. "w... what?" garret turned around to see the rest of the airport, it was all the same, down to the last detail, except it couldn't be. "don't think about it too much."

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Rexville 31: Aftermath

"thank you, and... about that plane crash, mr. winters..." kendall frowned sadly. "i'm... not the right person to talk about it, hunter." "so, it is true, was keanu on that plane?" kendall nodded.

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Jake's backstory WIP 1

His parents died three years before he was 18, in a plane crash. after about a half-month of depression, he started to learn computers, inside and out, and he started earning money from coding and hacking. that's where most of his money is from.

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An RPG-style opening

Sovrim: ever wondered what it'd feel like to have an airplane crash on your head? sovrim: that's what it's going to feel like when i start stomping on you. got it? shira: thanks to some black market military tech, you'll survive that. for now.

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