Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 11 (Ending)

I have plans for a romance novel. i'll post up the first chapter as a teaster hopefully tonight :3_ _i was glad to test the waters, and the compliments really inspired me to write more.

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Goldeneyes Chapter 4

"lest i take up the reading of romance novels." \*\*\* back in the brightwing home, hector woke to the sound of shelton starting the shower.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (17)

A quick scan of the topics presented by majority of the shelves reveal there are gamebooks, spellbooks, fantasy literature, sci-fi literature, fiction,, romance novels (with a handwritten note to the left insisting this is _good_romantic literature), thrillers

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"Seasons" - Chapter 1

The first chapter of my not very well written attempt at a psuedo-coming of age/romance novel, starring a panther named casey, and his rather awkward attempts at social contact. more to come, probably!

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romance novel stuff. anyway.issac put one white paw above his eyes and pointed at the horizon with the other. "i hope that cloud of sand is the shuttle."

Cost of Love 1: Undesirale Leave

The one that he was going to work on was a romance novel about a female panther trying to find love in a city of canines. it was the only straight story he had ever written and besides darla kept bugging him to finish it.

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Review 8 - Mia Makes a New Friend

It's just a silly, trashy romance novel. it just came out a few months ago. this would be my fifth time reading through it. i'm working on translating it into a few different languages."

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CH33 Nuru’s Shopping Day Part 2

Nuru continued browsing, passing a few sections of pre hyena romance novels. _hmm...an atlas of the hyena lands, _he read as he pulled a leather-bound tome from the shelves.

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To Be Somebody...Lost Chapter

From the steamy romance novels he read, this was about that time where she was about to orgasm. of course, he could be wrong and she could be returning the favor.

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Shifting Consequences--Chapter 35: Really Good Reads

Many of mallory's friends online that like dragon romance novels seem happy with the thought of some strong powerful man who is also a dragon wooing some lucky woman.

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Bleed For Me

Some reading, one a newspaper and another a small romance novel. one, a rather elderly looking bulldog was slowly typing on an oversized looking laptop that that he didn't seem to know how to use.

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Awkward Love

Barry sent another message and instantly began typing another "and what you just sent me sounds like you took it out of some generic teen romance novel" he glanced over at his bookshelf and resumed typing "trust me, i would know."

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