The Elves of Perfection (?) Pt 3
I fired the gun, and the rubber bullet smacked against the guy's shoulder.he reeled backwards, and all those around him moved towards him to help. i spoke, paying no heed to this.
Chapter II - Saki Le'Lune
One of the rubber bullets hit the back of his head and he was also passed out, bleeding from his ears. just the two guards in the room in front of us. "this is the police. leave this room immediately!" i knew they wouldn't come out.
Beta Team: Black Ops, p1 (incomplete)
"rubber bullet, not bad," gauge nodded. "yes, he probably has a minor concussion." after dragging the body of the policeman into a secluded spot the group steps into the elevator.
Start the War
Then, out of nowhere, the peace officers at the scene fired rubber bullets. they were experts, and they knew where the fatal points were. they hit aurora in the forehead, at close range. she died instantly.
Twisted Minds
Then, a bunch of officers came out of the building and opened fire with rubber bullets. aurora was struck in the head, fatal at that range. they knew what they were doing. they were sent to kill us, not arrest us. only a few survived, including me.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - Z is for Zzz...
A split-second later, the collie yelped as a black latex bullet some three feet tall launched itself at his chest, barrelling him over onto his back upon the bed. to the dog's surprise however, the otter didn't hit him or yell at him.
Pocket D-Part 1 introduction at the gym
He entered through the front door and immediately ducked as a rubber bullet ricocheted off the wall behind him. "hey alice, we need to talk" fey said rather casually as he stood back up, hands in pocket.
the Fox of Cendalath chapter one
Is there someone stalking you if so i have rubber bullets." "i don't know how to say this...," leon struggled to get the words out. "it's okay, if you don't want to say i-" "i love you!" leon forced the words out of his muzzle.
Kindred Spirits, First Flight
The boy pulled the trigger of the weapon, sending a rubber bullet into the disarmed man's chest. out of reflex, he fell down with a grunt. the whole ordeal had only lasted a few seconds, but had seemed to take a lifetime.
Demon War Chapter 2
As he did, a rubber bullet sped just under his wing at a high speed, nothing more than a blur to his eyes. these people were trying to hit him! if he was hit, it was a sure bet it would hurt like mad and he would fall to the ground.
Escaping the Storm: Part 8
Accusations of excessive force have been made by many of those involved in the protests, particularly with regards to the deployment of rubber bullets and tear gas to finally disperse the crowds and end the standoff..."_ "_-mijn gods!
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 11: The Calm
Kamrn was actually smiling while he was chasing a red suited civet down several corridors, then tackled the feline once mol winged their quarry with a rubber bullet.