Guild Wars 2 FanFiction: Clean Distractions
Karrn was a charr, humans hated charr due to wars that had been fought long ago between the two, but if humans saw a charr playing nice with other races then it would be a political success.
GW2 Fan Fiction: A Clever Deal
The charr's hands didn't even need to hold her wrists anymore.
The Warband's New Dog
"my turn," the muscular, black-furred charr from earlier said.
Mantra Brutes
"do you accept the responsibility of being put in charge of a warband of charr?" the charr asked.
Dairy Division
Milky wasn't listening to a word the charr was saying. as the charr continued to berate and badmouth his legionnaire, the only thing the 'cow' was interested in was the milking process.
Snows of Colossus: Part One
Aspects of his training had involved assessing naked charr for critical weak points. what was unfamiliar to xavis was the big charr's attitude about it.
Snows of Colossus: Part 1
Aspects of his training had involved assessing naked charr for critical weak points. what was unfamiliar to xavis was the big charr's attitude about it.
GW2: Charr Above All
Horns were important to charr. to let another charr grab them, and to kneel before that charr without any resistance. it was beyond shameful. yet despite the shame, rytlock had never been harder.
Flaming-hot sacrifice
#10 of charr stories (all) aaand, nr 2 of my short charr story! a charr got in costody of a flame legion one and didnt have anything against his imprisoning after some little hypnosis.
Through the Night
He grunted, a rough and feral sound coming from a charr. "i rescued you from a fire. remember?" "yeah," matt said. "umm, hi. you're a charr?" "a brilliant observation." the charr snorted.
Master Kaiser
Krieg opened his eyes as he turned his gaze back to see a charr walking towards him with a long smile, he was a brown charr with black stripes across his fur, what really called krieg attention was that this charr was bigger than any he has seen, for what
Snows of Colossus: Part Two
But no specific charr i've ever met. i liked the _idea_ of being with a male charr more than, um." he crinkled his nose. "more than i really wanted to be with any male charr i've ever met. does that make sense to you?"