Tainted Glory (Chapter 2)
The dewott weakly muttered as he noticed kazuo behind him. kazuo gave a nod before stepping defensively in front of him, looking at the group of servines attacking the other dewotts.
Sweet Intoxication
She said, and the dewott beneath her nodded vigorously, a pleading look in his eyes.
Insif’s Introduction - A new challenger approaches
As the foot of the dewott lifts, they're pulled into the air as well before being swung forward and brought down at a terrible speed.
A Different Kind of Training part 9
Nengan tightened his grip on dewott's hips and began to really go at it. it was clear that he was working hard; his tail flame was blazing brightly and crackling. "oooh!" dewott moaned. "that's it! damn you're good at this."
Pokémustelids (Buizel TF)
At the time, he had one pokémon, a dewott. that dewott, who he called dewey, was as old as he was, he even remembered when it was still only an oshawott.
[p] Trouble in the Temple pt 1: A Bitter Rivalry
As the client, the dewott would decide--though it seemed he didn't want to intervene in their tussle. plainly recognizing the hostility between them, the dewott took an involuntary step back. "well, you were all tangled up! it's... kind of hard to tell!
From Human, to Pokemon
Me and emily were going to talk about our favorite pokemon; dewott.'_ i thought. _'i wish i could be a dewott. then i'd be free and able to go on adventures! emily would be so jelly if i were a dewott!"
Austin's explosive birthday
The 4 dewott looked at him confused until three more cock came out of his crotch, surprising the water-type pokémon. then austin sat on the couch while the dewott began to suck a cock each one .
Brotherly Bonding
"y-yea i do... s-so bad, bro...~" "well then...~" the dewott rolled off of him before continuing his sentence.
Another way/Changing paths Chapter 7: Way we are...
He then snapped his fingers signaling his dewott into motion. and just like in a flash of lightning his dewott was on the other side of the pole with its arms spread far apart from one another.
Pokemon ballbusting blurbs: #6-8 (+ MLP bonus snippet)
The male tried to double up and protect himself, but the dewott's foot was already on his chest, pushing him back down to the dirt. "will you _please,_" intoned the dewott testily, "just _shut. up?!
Breakfast with the Unova group: Chapter 4
dewott said with a shocked voice of his own. the added attention on the subject just made ash uncomfortable, and looked down at his paws to avoid eye contact.