escape was still completely impossible. he tried to rationalize it as simply not having a reason to bemoan a situation beyond his control--he still couldn't escape, so why depress himself trying?
I thought if i wanted to escape, i would need to prove to someone that there was need to escape. finally, i waited. i sat on the bed and waited, thinking, scared and excited at the same time.
The content of this story is mature it should be treated as such. Though it does not contain any yiffing in the chapter shown it may be two mature for some, and in cases should not be read. Read at your own risk This story is for all...
But who wants to escape whom.. and who will get away? stay tuned after the story for the naughty version of the story's ending!
No Escape
Other wouldn't have been able to escape, you should be thankful that you are still alive."
Leaping as fast as i can, i barely escape by slamming a door in their face. the corridors are never ending. stairs after stairs, spears after slashes, i begin to feel exhausted.
"We have to make it to the elevator!" The clatter of the group's feet echoed down the corridor, and for a moment it looked like they were in the clear. No sign of pursuit, and thanks to well placed C4 charges most of the security grid was down for...
_Chloe was having the best time of her life. She was flying among the clouds and the stars, soaring over the endless plains and oceans, talking with the-_ "Wake up!" an urgent voice said. Suddenly, Her reality streached, and she found herself...
How he had escaped through the desert and became the sheriff's dog - he apologized to the sheriff, who was still digesting the whole story.
Brett assumed he was the man that helped him escape, but bruno couldn't speak, though he greeted brett with a long hug and seemed more than happy to have his company.
Feeling an overwhelming regret for escaping where i was safe. there was food and shelter. there was a clan of humans that rejected and fought with me.
The Escape
I had to escape. "make me count the rice again," i sobbed. "please!"