Weights and Scales
nico stood, sighing as he adjusted himself. "now look what you've done." akuro chuckled, moving behind his little brother, sliding his arms around nico's waist.
The Candy Fish
Finally, some of nico's mother's famous mice-pudding.
Ghostbusters: Regenesis 05 - Temptation's Grip
But nico's epiphany was brief.
Ghostbusters: Regenesis 12 - Flipside
nico grinned. "um, nico, are you sure?" eli asked softly. "hey, we're not bug splatter. this is great." nico sighed happily. "nico, i'm floating." eli replied. nico suddenly rolled over in mid air, looking upwards.
Part4: Nicht alles haelt ewig
Kathi und nico gingen wieder in die kueche. kathi blickte betruebt zu nico herrueber. "der aermste tut mir leid. ich kenne das unertraegliche gefuehl was er gerade empfinden muss." nico seufzte leise.
The Third Child - Nico
"boy who is nico...nico...nico...nico......" "nico! wake up!" nico snarled and thrashed, waking with a start. "wh-what...the hell?" he looked around, seeing the concerned face of his mother, shari. "you were having a nightmare." shari responded.
The Price of Being Loved
nico asked.
Leviathan 04: Plausible Deniability
nico nods, and then they're inside.
Leviathan 08: Murders & Acquisitions
nico pulls the trigger.
SciFi, Nico and Pancho Meet a Friend From Far Away
After several minutes, jemu whispered to his wife, samia, in niyon language so nico and pancho could not understand him, "oanche, yuldve eid chartah nico pancho", which is niyon for, "honey, watch me mess with nico and pancho".
nico's beautiful face was distorted by the under bite, new gaps formed in his sharp teeth where more teeth were growing in. nico's claws dug into his hands tightly as his face throbbed.
Leviathan 01: Name of the Game
_sorry, babe._ nico thinks, imagining jalan's disappointment as he saw nico wasn't there tonight. _tomorrow?_ tomorrow's his full day off, the first in two weeks. nico's jaw tightens. tomorrow, he'll do it.